To set a timeout in a SQL Server connection string, you can include theConnection Timeoutparameter in the connection string. The value of this parameter is in seconds, and it determines how long the program will wait for a connection to be established before timing out. Here is an example ...
Timeout命令是控制SQL Server数据库连接超时时间
On reflection I don't think the geographical location of the specific customers I had in mind is an issue. There is nothing outside of the Dublin Azure centre that connects directly to SQL Server. The websites hosted on the Azure App Services make the SQL login connection, and some externa...
命名空间: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.ConnectionDlg 程序集: ConnectionDlg.dll 具有CONNECTION_TIMEOUT 值的一个 String 常量。 C# 复制 public const string ConnectionTimeout; 字段值 String 适用于 产品版本 SQL Server .NET SDK 2016 本文内容 定义 适用于 ...
ConnectionString类似于 OLE DB 连接字符串,但并不相同。与 OLE DB 或 ADO 不同,如果“Persist Security Info”值设置为false(默认值),则返回的连接字符串与用户设置的ConnectionString相同但去除了安全信息。除非将“Persist Security Info”设置为true,否则,SQL Server .NET Framework 数据提供程序将不会保持,也不...
搜索关键字“SqlConnection.ConnectionString 属性”,找打了MSDN: 当设置需要布尔值的关键字或连接池值时,您可以使用“yes”代替“true”,用“no”代替“false”。整数值表示为字符串。
usingSystem.Data.SqlClient;classProgram{staticvoidMain(){try{stringconnectString ="Server=(local);Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;"+"Integrated Security=true"; SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder =newSqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectString); Console.WriteLine("Original: "+ builder.Connecti...
Dim cnn3 As ADODB.Connection Dim cnn4 As ADODB.Connection ' 不使用数据源名 (DSN) 打开连接。 Set cnn1 = New ADODB.Connection cnn1.ConnectionString = "driver={SQL Server};" & _ "server=bigsmile;uid=sa;pwd=pwd;database=pubs" cnn1.ConnectionTimeout = 30 cnn1.Open...
ConnectionString ConnectionTimeout 凭据 数据库 数据源 FireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors PacketSize ServerVersion 状态 StatisticsEnabled WorkstationId 方法 事件 显式接口实现 SqlConnectionColumnEncryptionSetting SqlConnectionStringBuilder SqlCredential SqlDataAdapter ...
以下示例创建 ,SqlConnection并将Connection Timeout连接字符串 设置为 30 秒。 该代码将打开连接并在控制台窗口中显示ConnectionTimeout属性。 C# privatestaticvoidOpenSqlConnection(){stringconnectionString = GetConnectionString();using(SqlConnection connection =newSqlConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open...