You must enter an updatetimeoutinterval greater than or equal to 0. 输入的更新超时间隔必须大于或等于0. 期刊摘选 Testing failed, document not reached to destination withintimeoutperiod. 测试失败, 文档未在超时时间内到达目标. 期刊摘选 If thetimeouttriggers, the remote client is kicked off. ...
英['taɪm.aʊt] n.超时;(体育比赛中的)暂停;(自动)暂停 网络逾时;时间;超时时间 复数:timeouts 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 timeout n. 1. (体育比赛中的)暂停a short period of rest during a sports game 2. 超时;(自动)暂停an occasion when a process or program is automatically stopp...
Define timeout. timeout synonyms, timeout pronunciation, timeout translation, English dictionary definition of timeout. n. 1. a. A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the f
1、意义不同 "timeup"主要是指时间到了,时间快到了,时间用完了等等。而"timeout"指运行、等待或连接时间超过了规定的时间,操作被强制退出或中止。The game is over because timeup.游戏结束了,因为时间用完了。The server disconnects the client if the client experiences timeout.如果客户端遇到...
*/ private void buildConnection(int connectTimeout, int readTimeout, int writeTimeout, ConnectionSpecSelector connectionSpecSelector) throws IOException { connectSocket(connectTimeout, readTimeout); establishProtocol(readTimeout, writeTimeout, connectionSpecSelector); } 这里就开始分开了,其中connectTime...
.detectNetwork() // or .detectAll() for all detectable problems .penaltyLog().build());StrictMode.setVmPolicy(new StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder().detectLeakedSqlLiteObjects() //探测SQLite数据库操作 .penaltyLog() //打印logcat .penaltyDeath().build());即使这样子的话,在4.x系统...
换了网卡之后出现“ARP timeout”是是网卡的问题, service network restart 之后问题解决。以下是其原因和解决具体方法: 1、 PXE启动芯片出错代码表初始化/引导/载入Bootstrap错误代码。 PXE-E00:Could not find enough free base memory.PXE主代码和UNDI运行时模块从闪存或上位内存拷贝至基本内存顶部480K(78000h)...
The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. No Changes made to the ClientPlan table. Inserting records(s) in ClientPlan table. No Changes made to ClientPlan table. Updating changes to PlanStatementInfo. Updated 1 record(s) in PlanStatement...
{ static void Main() { StayAwake stayAwake = new StayAwake(); Thread newThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(stayAwake.ThreadMethod)); newThread.Start(); // The following line causes an exception to be thrown // in ThreadMethod if newThread is currently blocked // or becomes blocked ...
The site you are accessing matched the timeout or default actin. The URL.正在访问的站点匹配超时或默认的ACTIN。URL。重点词汇解释:1、site n. 地点;位置;场所 vt. 设置 2、access n. 通道;进入;机会;使用权;探望权;(对计算机存储器的)访问;(情感)爆发;入口 v. 接近,使用;...