ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object,一、问题现象DG备库异常关闭二、结合日志进行分析alter日志对应trc文件49891.trc三、查询官方文档,找到解决办法SQL>altersystemset"_adg_parselock_timeout"=500scope=bothsid='*';
alter日志 对应trc 文件 49891.trc 三、查询官方文档,找到解决办法 SQL > alter system set "_adg_parselock_timeout"=500 scope=both sid='*';
oracle ORA-04021的解决办法(timeout occurred while waiting to lock object),当存储过程正在执行时,如果试图删除、修改、编译存储过程,等待一段时间,会报上述错误。解决方法:等待一段时间,重新尝试删除、修改或者编译存储过程。如果还是失败,则查看哪些会话正在
ORA-04021:timeout occurred while waiting to lock object package的解决办法 某个应用正在锁定该包。 找出session: SELECT A.*, B.SID, B.USERNAME, B.MACHINE FROM V$ACCESS A, V$SESSION B WHERE A.SID = B.SID AND A.OBJECT = '包名' AND A.TYPE = 'PACKAGE'; alter system kill session 'sid,...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object : DR Instance terminated by LGWR
ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object 解决方法 某个应用正在锁定该表或者包 表为 select b.SID,b.SERIAL#,c.SQL_TEXT from v$locked_object a, v$session b, v$sqlarea c where a.SESSION_ID = b.SID and b.SQL_ADDRESS = c.ADDRESS ...
A time-out occurred while waiting for buffer latch -- type 4, bp 000000097BFDEDC0, page 1:19239, stat 0xc00009, database id: 5, allocation unit Id: 72057615247867904, task 0x0000000005E594C8 : 0, waittime 300, flags 0x1018, owning task 0x0000000000169DC8. Not continuing to wait. ...
Customer's scheduler logs showed odd errors like ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object It seems to have recovered later, any reason why this might happen? Environment Release : 11.3.6 Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys) ...
Timeout occurred while waiting for latch: class 'ACCESS_METHODS_DATASET_PARENT' 2017-09-04 15:35 −前些天某个SQL Server数据库的错误日志爆出如下错误: Timeout occurred while waiting for latch: class 'ACCESS_METHODS_DATASET_PARENT', id 00000009A5670C58, type 4, Task 0x0... ...
An unexpected error occurred A timeout occured while waiting for a WSL integration agent to become ready. This can occur when starting after an abrupt termination. To work around the issue, please terminate WSL (wsl --shutdown) and start Docker Desktop again. If the issue persists please coll...