2|02.获取HTTP响应码 #! /usr/bin/env python3 import urllib.request req = urllib.request.Request('http://python.org/') try: urllib.request.urlopen(req) except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: print(e.code) print(e.read().decode("utf8")) 3|03、异常处理1 1 #! /usr/bin/env python3...
只要使用urlopen返回的response对象的getcode()方法就可以得到HTTP返回码。 importurllib2try: response = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.google.com')printresponseexcepturllib2.HTTPErrorase:ifhasattr(e,'code'):print'Error code:',e.code 6. 重定向 urllib2默认情况下会对HTTP 3XX返回码自动进行重定向动作。
接下来,我们将发送请求并处理可能发生的异常,以便在请求超时时处理相关逻辑。 importorg.apache.http.HttpResponse;importorg.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;publicclassHttpRequest{publicstaticvoidsendGetRequest(Stringurl){CloseableHttpClientclient=HttpClientFactory.createHttpClient();RequestConfigrequestConfig=HttpReq...
// 步骤3:发起请求connection.setRequestMethod("GET");// 设置请求方法为 GETintresponseCode=connection.getResponseCode();// 获取服务器响应状态码if(responseCode==HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK){// 检查响应状态System.out.println("Request succeeded. Response Code: "+responseCode);}else{System.out.println...
httpResponser.userInfo = urlConnection.getURL().getUserInfo(); httpResponser.content = temp.toString(); httpResponser.contentEncoding = ecod; httpResponser.code = urlConnection.getResponseCode(); httpResponser.message = urlConnection.getResponseMessage(); ...
I am getting a lot of net/http: timeout awaiting response headers from the proxy in my GKE. I'm connecting to regional PSQL 11 instance with private IP address and production maintenance release channel that requires SSL. I'm getting fai...
GetResponse() method not to fail if called repeatedly Sample Code The following code must be repeatedly called for the bug to start occurring: Uri myUri = new Uri(...); WebRequest myWebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(myUri); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)myWebRequest; request....
A) The 408 cause code refers to the “Request Timeout” error. It occurs when a client (browser or other HTTP client) sends a request to the server but does not receive a response in a specific time period. Q) What is the difference between 408 and 504 error?
I'll post my code below. private string GetHTTP(string url) { string html; HttpWebRequest req; HttpWebResponse resp; // Formulate the request // req = (HttpWebRequest )WebRequest.Cre ate(url); req.CookieConta iner = new CookieContainer (); if (m_cookies != null && m_c...
403 Forbidden: What does the http status code mean and how do you fix it? Is your browser displaying an http error 403 instead of the web page you requested? This means that the web server has not granted you access to that page. The reason for this differs from case to cas...