hzhia – following Kremlin-orchestrated “referendums” in Ukraine that the West dismissed as shams. In response, the U.S. and its allies slappedsanctionson more than 1,000 Russian people and companies, building on significant financial penalties already imposed on the nation since the invasion....
-- The United States decided to deploy additional troops to Europe, including 1,000 troops to be repositioned to Romania and another 2,000 troops to be sent from the United States to Germany and Poland, in preparation for what it claimed to be an "imminent" Russian invasion of Ukraine. J...
Norway has decided to grant temporary protection to all Ukrainians who were in the country before the invasion of Ukrainestarted in late February, including here Ukrainians on residence permits which are about to expire. Eligible to benefit from the move are also students and seasonal workers. ...
Sanctions five ships and two associated entities involved in shipping Russian liquified natural gas, including from Russia's Arctic LNG 2 project, which is an important source of funding for Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The entities are Ocean Speedstar Solutions OPC and Whi...
Gershkovich was reporting on Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the impact it had on the country's economy at the time of his arrest, according to The Wall Street Journal. Following his arrest, Gershkovich was transported from Yekaterinburg to Moscow. ...
Birth of Frank Whittle on the 1st June.Death of William Kelvin on the 17th December.Britain and Russia sign the Anglo-Russian Entente. 1908: E. M. Forster publishes “A Room With a View”.David Lloyd-George, as the Chancellor of the Exchequer, introduces Old Age Pensions which are paid ...
•July 1, 1921:Inspired by the Russian Revolution, the Communist Party of China is formed. •January 21, 1924:Lenin dies at age 54 of a stroke, andJoseph Stalin, who had served as Lenin’s general secretary, eventually takes over official rule of the Soviet Union until his death in ...
The battle of Kursk was the 'Totenritt' (death ride) of the German Panzers 1944 Timeline Jan 16 - Eisenhower becomes supreme commander of western allies forces Jan 22 - Allies land in Anzio, Italy Mar - The Russians advance into the Ukraine ...
During the day in eastern Czechoslovakia, Hungarian forces marched into Ruthenia, ending the one-day-old nation of Capatho-Ukraine. [Dismemberment of Czechoslovakia | Berlin | CPC] Photo(s) dated 15 Mar 193916 Mar 1939 In eastern Czechoslovakia, Slovakian leader Jozef Tiso sent a telegram, ...
Joseph Stilwell was assigned to the Department of Modern Languages at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York, United States. [Joseph Stilwell | West Point, New York | CPC]29 Aug 1914 General Aleksandr Samsonov, the commander of the Russian 2nd Army, committed suicide foll...