Read about the history of Western fashion. Learn about different eras of fashion, from the first form of fashion, the toga, to the fashion of the...
There is a lot to be found ina timeline of art history. It begins over 30,000 years ago and takes us through a series of movements, styles, and periods that reflect the time during which each piece of art was created. Art is an important glimpse into history because it is often one ...
As a result, calligraphy was of major significance in the transmission of cultural values. For the background to ancient China, see Prehistoric Art Timeline. For the evolution of Western culture, please see the list of dates in our History of Art Timeline. For the aesthetics of Far Eastern ...
1927: First Nations art exhibited with Euro-Canadian art in the Exhibition of the Canadian West Coast Art in the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa 1928: Kiowa Six participate in the International Art Congress in Prague, Czech Republic. Lois Smoky is not present but her artwork is. ...
Study the timeline of Western Culture. Read a summary of Western civilization's history and learn about Western civilization's greatest...
Eastern and Western traditions combined inthe sacred buildings of the Byzantine period.Buildings were designed with a central dome that eventually rose to new heights by using engineering practices refined in the Middle East. This era of architectural history was transitional and transformational. ...
Magyars (Hungarians) invade regions in western and central, present-day, Romania (Crisana, Banat and Transylvania). The local population — Romanians - were the only Latin people in the eastern part of the former Roman Empire and the only Latin people to belong to the Orthodox faith. The...
6,000 Years of Jewish history & legacy at a glance in a one-page infographic. The poster combines different fields on a single timeline such as demography, literature, Jewish and World events, traditions, historical figures and more. Every entry on the t
10SEP1955Gunsmokedebuts on CBS, and will go on to be television’s longest-running western., 1955 Liberace becomes the Las Vegas’s highest-paid entertainer, earning $50,000 a week.
58 BC - Phra frees a British slave-girl, Blodwen, whom he found on an island in the western Medditerranean. He decides to sail to Britain, where Blodwen is restored to her rank of a chieftainess among the British tribes of the southeast coast. The two marry and have a child.55...