Timeline 是一条表示时间进程的坐标线,能直观地显示事件的相对时间距离。例如,恐龙在两亿年前出现,六千万年前灭绝,而直立人约在180万年前出现,人类文明追溯至约8000年前,文字记载历史则不多于6000年。这个列表可以称为时间表,但在 timeline 上,可以清楚地看出恐龙存在的时间比人类文明长近100倍,...
timelinetrendseventsmajortribesassiniboin TimelineofMajorEventsandTrendsoftheNineteenthCentury TheEraofManifestDestiny 1839JohnL.O’SullivancoinsthephraseManifestDestinyinanarticlepublishedinThe UnitedStatesDemocraticReview.Hiswordsdefineaneraofconquestandconflict. 1841WesternEmigrationSocietyisformed. 1842Lt.JohnC.Fremo...
TIMELINE OF MAJOR EVENTS1910Japan formally colonizesKorea.1919March First Movement, a series of demonstrations for Koreannational independence from Japan, erupts.1945Korea is liberated from Japanese colonial rule but is divided at the38th parallel into Soviet and US zones of occupation.1948South and No...
The Persian Empire, or modern-day Iran, had a rich past full of highs and lows for the region's people. The following timeline of major events inPersia'shistory is based on a Library of Congress Persia timeline. Early History c. 3400 BCE -theElamite kingdom emerges in southwestern Iran ...
2023, Israel launched a large-scale offensive in the Gaza Strip to retaliate against a Hamas attack in southern Israel. Since then, the ongoing Palestine-Israel conflict has brought Gaza to the brink of famine while causing extensive damage to infrastructure, with over half of all buildings affec...
A timeline of major events related to mad cow disease
37:Marc Antony establishes headquarters at Antioch and sends for Cleopatra who brings their three-year-old twins. Antony begins to make major territorial distributions to her, which meet with public disfavor in Rome. 36:Parthian campaign ofMarc Antony, Cleopatra travels with it, makes a tour of...
Here is a timeline of some major events related to the current crisis: March 23, 2022 -- Negotiations between the Russian and Ukrainian delegations are difficult, since the Ukrainian side "is continuously altering its position," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was quoted by Russia's TASS...
Timeline of major events in chemistry history: The B.C. Era The early years of history didn't have many significant scientific developments, but there was one surprisingly important development in the fifth century B.C. Democritus (465 B.C.) First to propose that matter exists in the...
Moscow expressed its willingness to talk with Kiev with a focus on obtaining a guarantee of neutral status and non-deployment of offensive weapons in Ukraine. Here is a timeline of some major events related to the current crisis: Feb. 25, 2022 ...