Timeline of Jewish history : This is a timeline of the development of Jews and Judaism. All dates are given according to the Common Era, not the Hebrew calendar... : An iSnare.com Free Encyclopedia ArticleTimeline...
6,000 Years of Jewish history & legacy at a glance in a one-page infographic. The poster combines different fields on a single timeline such as demography, literature, Jewish and World events, traditions, historical figures and more. Every entry on the t
Jewish History: a Graphic illustration fo the Hebrew Sojourn, the Exodus lead by Moses, and the major events in Jewish History leading to the installation of the Ark of the Covnenant at Solomon's Temple.
1859 In November the Board of Delegates of American Israelites is organized, the first attempt by American Jews to create an overall national Jewish organization. 1859 The Jews of the United States meet in several towns, protesting the action of the papal authorities who seized Edgar Mortara, a ...
The Jewish revolt of Simeon Bar-Kochba takes places. 133 AD Birth of the Emperor Julianus. 135 AD Birth of the Emperor Pescennius Niger, in Italy. 135 AD The Bar-Kochba revolt is suppressed. 138 AD Death of Hadrian, Accession ofAntoninus Piusas the new emperor. ...
11 or beginning of A.D. 12. In determining the emperor's regnal year, Luke used the customary Jewish form, practiced also by Josephus. "Josephus also... in order to avoid making the last year of one emperor coincide with the first year of his successor, reckoned the final year of ...
204 B.C. Construction is completed on The Great Wall of China. 180 B.C. Great alter of Zeus and Athena built inPergamon. 168 B.C. Roman forces defeat Perseus at theBattle of Pydna. 149 B.C. TheThird Punic Warbegins. 141 B.C. Jewish peopleliberate Jerusalem. ...
After lengthy argument a supplement to the German Citizenship law was published, which laid down that a German with two Jewish grandparents, who was himself an orthodox Jew, or was married to a Jew, or was the offspring of a marriage with a Jew, was Jewish under the law. However all oth...
29 Jan 1933 Germany The SA organization of the Nazi Party was mobilized in Berlin, Germany to guard against what turned out to be a false rumor of a coup d'état against Adolf Hitler's attempt to become the German Chancellor. [Berlin | CPC]...
The destruction of Jerusalem was a watershed event in Jewish history that began thousands of years of mourning for Jerusalem, so, it follows, that the reunification of Jerusalem should be a joyous celebration that begins the process of reversing thousands of years of destruction and exile. ...