26-36 A.D. - Pontius Pilate the Prefect of the Roman Empire's Judaea Province c.30-33 - The death and resurrection of Jesus c.35 - The conversion of Paul 40s or 50s -James c.45-49 - Paul's first missionary journey Sometime between 48 and 58 - Paul writesGalatians ...
This visualization is a companion to our Holy Week Timeline, which takes a similar visual approach to the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Related posts: A Savior has been born to you! Holy Week Timeline Visualization Your Savior is Born Today New email devotional: Read the Christ...
This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday, which begins Holy Week (or Passion Week)—the week that commemorates Jesus’ death and resurrection. Here’s a new visualization we created that harmonizes the four Gospel accounts of Holy Week and lets you examine the “who,”“what,” and “where” of...
Birth of Jesus c. 4 B.C. John the Baptist starts his ministry c. 26 A.D. (cf. Luke 3:1-3) Resurrection of Jesus c. 31 A.D. (cf. Luke 3:23 and Calculated or observed calendar?) Pentecost of Acts 2 c. 31 A.D. (cf. Luke 3:23 and Calculated or observed calendar?) Writin...
Do you realize that Revelation starts with Messiah proclaiming,“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servantsthings which must shortly come to pass“and“for the time is at hand”?Messiah is declaring that the prophecies would start to be fulfilled shortly...
The crusades were expeditions from western Europe to bring Jerusalem and the holy places back to the hands of Christians. The mobs accompanying the first three Crusades attacked the Jews in Europe and Israel, and put many of them to death. The Jews of Jerusalem, as in other places in Israel...
The only Bible Timeline showing the Biblical inerrancy of dated events in Scripture from the Creation of Adam and Eve to the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus in 30 AD.
and she is trapped. Meanwhile, an old man, the Orchard Keeper, tells Mulder and Scully that 20 years ago, a similar orchard blight was ended by the death of a very bad man, Karin Matthew's father. The agents visit Karin who says Lisa has gone with her aunt, but Lisa is still ...