This is a very basic 4-millennium timeline to show which civilizations existed at the same time in the Greco-Roman world, the Ancient Near East (includes Egypt and areas now thought of as the Middle East), the Indian subcontinent, and China. This corresponds with the Mediterranean-centered ar...
His writings include information about the interaction between Chinese Buddhism and Indian Buddhism during the early Tang dynasty. Xuanzan travelled to many sacred Buddhist sites in what are now Nepal, Pakistan, Indian, and Bangladesh. 9th century The start of the Buddhist Uighur kingdom in Turfan...
350: Imperial Gupta dynasty (320-540) flourishes. During this "Classical Age" norms of literature, art, architecture and philosophy are established. This North Indian empire promotes Vaishnavism and Saivism and, at its height, rules or receives tribute from nearly all India. Buddhism also thrives...
while Buddhism made its appearance circa 400 BCE. Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms include the Maurya Dynasty (321 BCE to 185 BCE), which had both Hindu and Buddhist rulers, the Gupta Dynasty (320 CE to 550 CE) which was Hindu but tolerant of Buddhism, and the Buddhist Pala Dynasty (750 CE ...
32 CE Beginnings of Christianity 180 CE End of Pax Romana 220 CE End of the Han Dynasty 333 CE Roman capital moved to Constantinople 4th C Trans-Saharan Routes 476 CE Fall of Rome 527 CE Justinian rule of Byzantine Empire 550 Fall of Gupta Dynasty/Empire關於...
Learn about American architecture history and some of the most famous buildings in the United States. Discover famous American architects and their...
provinces were glad that they came. Alexander married Darius III oldest daughter, Stateira, and treated his family with great respect. Though the Achaemenid Dynasty ended with the demise of Darius III, his family still remained wealthy and important because of the kindness of Alexander the Great....