Find out more about this period in history by reading the lesson titled Ancient Greece Timeline of Major Events Lesson for Kids. New information includes: The origins of Greek civilization Different periods in Greek history Major Greek philosophers ...
“father of the information theory.” 1945 How to Solve it by mathematician George Poly: this book introduced the term ‘heuristic’ into modern thinking. Computer scientists, philosophers, psychologists, and other scholars would describe heuristics as rough methods of reasoning – human or computer....
Western philosophy has its origins in ancient Greece. The termphilosophyis Greek in origin and meanslove of wisdom.The original meaning of Western philosophy, then, was a life devoted to pursuing truth.Greek philosophersdistinguished themselves from sophists, who were people who claimed to have wisdo...
Chinese and Greek philosophers describe the basic principles of optics and the camera. 1664-1666 Isaac Newton discovers that white light is composed of different colors. 1727 Johann Heinrich Schulze discovered that silver nitrate darkened upon exposure to light. 1794 First Panorama opens, the...
Like many things in Greek mythos, it began with the gods.Loading…1184 BCE: The Trojan War Ends(See Main Article: Guest Post: How the Mythical Odysseus tricked Troy)The Trojan war lasted for nine years, Agamemnon and his armies couldn’t take Troy because of the strategic location, thick ...
-6776: Start of Hindu lists of kings according to ancient Greek references that give Hindus 150 kings and a history of 6,400 years before 300bce; agrees with next entry. -6500: Rig Veda verses (e.g., 1.117.22, 1.116.12, say winter solstice begins in Aries (according to ...
Maccabbean Revolt rose against the Greek Empire, as its king Antiochus outlawed Jewish traditions and ordered a pagan altar to be set up in the Temple at Jerusalem. The revolt succeeded and the temple was dedicated. Hanukkah, celebrated during eight days from the twenty-fifth day of Kislew ...
Early ideas that later became incorporated into the modern science of chemistry come from two main sources. Natural philosophers (such as Aristotle and Democritus) used deductive reasoning in an attempt to explain the behavior of the world around them. Alchemists (such as Geber and Rhazes) were ...
ca. 245 BCE -[C]Callimachus of Cyrene, a scholar and librarian at the Library of Alexandria, "created for the first time a catalog of Greek literature covering 120,000 books, called the Pinakes or Tables." These included tables of authors by genre (orators, philosophers, etc); entries typ...
Poets, scientists and philosophers wrote thousands of books (on paper, a Chinese invention that had made its way into the Islamic world by the 8th century). Scholars translated Greek, Iranian and Indian texts into Arabic. Inventors devised technologies like the pinhole camera, soap, windmills, ...