The centralized authority of Tamriel under the Septim Empire rises in power, followed by populist revolts against Imperial authority, especially in Morrowind[10] and presumably Black Marsh by the An-Xileel[11][12] by the latter stage of the period. Events such as the Imperial Simulacrum,[13]...
This timeline is composed of events that take place in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume I (LGV1), Volume II (LGV2), The Black Dossier (BLKD), the three issues of Volume III: Century (CENT), the side-stories "Nemo: Heart Of Ice" and "Nemo: The Roses Of Berlin" as ...
The Temple of the Triune is founded as a front to spread the Prime Evils' influence. It steadily grows in power.[2]-1820Inarius forms the Cathedral of Light to counter the Triune's growing influence.[2]-1819A plague sweeps through Seram. Among the dead are the bulk of Uldyssian's ...
Black Luce (also known as Lucy Negroe) was a brothel owner and sex worker in Clerkenwell, London when Shakespeare was writing. Not much is known about her, but Dr Duncan Salkeld has suggested that Black Luce may have been the mysterious 'Dark Lady' of Shakespeare's Sonnets. Lucy also app...
The fall of Lago and Monte, read to a young Zeke centuries later History Year Event c.240 A deadly plague swept through the whole world, but the Eldian Empire was relatively unaffected, due to the power of the Founding Titan which altered the bodies of Eldians to become immune to th...
The Black Death haunts the world as the worst-case scenario for the speed of disease's spread. It was the second pandemic caused by the bubonic plague, and ravaged Earth’s population. Called the Great Mortality as it caused its devastation, it became known as the Black Death in the late...
Lessons from the 1656 Neapolitan Plague:Something to Learn for the Current Coronavirus Pandemic? In the spring of 1656, an epidemic of bubonic plague suddenly fell on Naples, the capital of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. The epidemic had put a strain... M Bifulco,S Pisanti,I Fusco - ...
The Pocket Guides state that the Nords were pushed out of Morrowind in 1E 416,[47] however The Daggerfall Chronicles sets the year of expulsion at 1E 401.[33] High King Emeric claims that Durcorach the Black Drake led a horde of Reachmen to attack High Rock in 2E 541,[160] but th...
The Slann cast a great spell, turning the jungles of Lustria into a deathtrap of carnivorous plants and venomous creatures. Xlanhuapec is shrouded with mist, to protect sacred artifacts of the Old Ones. [11][12] c. –4889 Led by the Great Unclean One Ku'gath Plaguefather, a host...
xvi TIMELINE 598 Fighting in Thrace, Comentiolus defeated at Iatrus; Avars capture Drizipera; their army decimated by the plague; Roman envoy Harmaton negotiates a rise of subsidies to 120,000 solidi 599 Offensive of Priscus on Avar territory: victories opposite Viminacium, and over the kh...