-5500: Mehrgarh villagers are making baked pottery and thousands of small, clay of female figurines (interpreted to be earliest signs of Shakti worship), and are involved in long-distance trade in precious stones and sea shells. -5500: Date of astrological observations associated with ancient even...
The word Cush means black. Biblically, Cush is the son ofHamand father ofNimrod. He is considered the ancestor of the dark-skinned people that occupiedEthiopia. His name is often associated with Ethiopia, but there are some who are still sceptical about it. Cush first appears on theBiblical...
The Hittite empire flourished and were shown on the Biblical Timeline chart starting from 2300 BC to about 1100 BC The Great Hittite Empire The Hittite Empire is mentioned over and over in the Bible as one of the most powerful empires in the ancient times. Scholars used to question the ...
As many as 580,000 Jews fell in battle, not including those who succumbed to hunger and pestilence. It was then when the Romans gave the name “Palestine” to the land of Israel so that the Jewish connection to the land would vanish. For the same reason Jews were not allowed into ...
interpretation of the incomplete facts of ancient times, we can confidently expect future research to strengthen the Bible record. Wherever this record can be adequately tested, it stands revealed as trustworthy history. Its time statements are not haphazard or fanciful, but harmonious and reasonable....
Internet Talk Radio Show - Prophecy and predictions for the New Millennium from Prophets Ancient and Modern - Native, Aborigine, and Indigenous prophecy, Shamanism, Nostradamus, the Biblical Prophets, Edgar Cayce and more.
of Greece most particularly Attica where they stayed in the ancient times. They were the heart of the Greek culture in Greece prior to the entrance of Classic Age. The Ionians were the ones who introduced the Greek culture to the nations of Assyria, Persia, andEgypt. Ionians also prospered...
The meaning of AD is Anno Domini or Year of our Lord referring to the year of Christ’s birth. The meaning of BC is Before Christ. CE is a recent term. It refers to Common Era and is used in place of A.D. the dates are the same i.e., 2009 AD is 2009 CE.
The most influential Yiddish rendering of theBiblewasTsene-rene(“Go Out and See”; Eng. trans.Tsenerene) byJacob ben Isaac Ashkenazi. The text is a loose paraphrase of the biblical passages that are read in the synagogue: theFive Books of Moses, the supplementary readings (haftarot), and...