[Download] Oculus: Optimised mod for better compatibility Official Gunpack How to install:(1.0.3 release version and earlier) Open the .minecraft folder, go to "config/tacz/custom", put the .zip file in it (no need to unzip), and it's ready to play. If not, try command "/tacz rel...
[Classic Reborn GunPack] [Suffuse GunSmoke GunPack] [Warhammer40k GunPack] [Mr.Chocolate GunPack] [Fiber's GunPack] [The Old Gun Pack] Discord We strongly recommend you join our discord server to get the latest information on mod updates. ...
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Customizability, Various data of weapons can be changed via local/serverdatapack, and their appearance and sound can be changed viaresourcepack! *Related links: Compatible withYes, Steve model modwith unique third person animation! Community add-ons:LesRaisins Append Pack ...
5. Tweaked how the Surroundings load in order to fix multiplayer surroundings (without using the Dynamic Surroundings Mod) SET 1. Adjust the label division of TaC Workbench //Guns are now separated into six different labels for easy search 2. Temporarily removes TaC Armor and removes curios dep...
Forge implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:timeless-and-classic-guns-tac-491264:5194531") Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support mods that have disabled 3rd party sharing Learn more about Curse Maven Changelog Additional Files Related Projects RELEASE (1.16.5): NEW A new dy...