Timekettle WT2 Edge翻译耳机-白色离线版 $349.99 Amazon入耳式耳机 21 Amazon直达购买链接 相似同款 $249.99 Beats by Dr. Dre Powerbeats Pro 2 运动耳机 极速黑 预售ing 查看详情去购买 Amazon $249.99 Beats by Dr. Dre Powerbeats Pro 2 运动耳机 跃动紫 ...
Amazon.com 现有 Timekettle M2 实时翻译 蓝牙耳机 ,现价$70.69(指导价$129.99), 需要点击15%的优惠券并且使用独家折扣码DMTKT1701。 Amazon.com 现有Timekettle WT2 Edge 新款 同传的福音,双向同传翻译耳机,现价$249.99。 订单满$25美国境内免运费,Prime会员免费两日速递。 截止日期为1月21日 23点59分。 点击购...
WT2 Edge translator earbuds raised 1.2 Million USD from Indiegogo (www.indiegogo.com) and has been ranked as the Best Seller on Amazon. Unfortunately, we are not able to attend offline exhibition on Malaysia to meet you but we are happy to make an introduction over online meetings any time....
Timekettle WT2 Edge:第一种2向转换耳塞 WT2 Edge是世界上第一个真正的双向同声翻译耳塞,可在您说话和收听时实时进行翻译,并在0.5秒内将您所说的内容传送到听众的耳朵。它们可提供40种语言和93种口音的高达95%的准确性,是突破语言障碍的最终工具。 双向同时翻译 ...
Timekettle WT2 edge earbuds support up to 6 people bilingual dialogue translation, and can realize 1 to 5, 2 to 4, 3 to 3 and other free combinations of translation so that all members can participate in the transnational dialogue.
Timekettle WT2 edge earbuds support up to 6 people bilingual dialogue translation, and can realize 1 to 5, 2 to 4, 3 to 3 and other free combinations of translation so that all members can participate in the transnational dialogue.
Thankfully, with a device like the TimeKettle WT2 Edge real-time translator earbuds, you no longer need to break the bank for a translator. The device stands the test of time, and the manufacturing firm displays its quality consistency in this one. Overall, the TimeKettle translator earbuds de...
Like we said, one of the hallmarks of theTimekettle WT2 Edgeis that it supports real-time translation, but what good is real-time translation if it works slowly, right? According to the company, the Timekettle WT2 Edge has a latency of 0.5-3 seconds, which obviously isn’t as ...
I purchased the WT2 Edge and received it today. The problem is that the box is completely empty except for the directions. I went online and scheduled a zoom meeting support call, and have been sitting in that zoom meeting for over an hour, and no one has ever come into it - SCAM BE...
Онотрансформируетвсюлинейкупродуктов Timekettle, включаяпередовыеустройства, такиекакнаушники W4 Pro Earbuds,наушники WT2 Edge/W3 Earbuds, X1 ...