...函数 TimeStampDiff() 是MySQL本身提供的可以计算两个时间间隔的函数,语法为: TIMESTAMPDIFF(unit,datetime_expr1,datetime_expr2) 返回日期或日期时间表达式...请问mysql的sql中如何计算两个datetime的差,精确… 请问mysql的sql中如何计算两个datetime的差,精确到小时,谢谢selectTIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTES,offduty_...
这是我正在尝试的,但结果很简单,blob说 select item_id, CONCAT( FLOOR(HOUR(TIMEDIFF(now(), ending)) / 24), ' days, ', MOD(HOUR(TIMEDIFF(now(), ending)), 24), ' hours, ', MINUTE(TIMEDIFF(now(), ending)), ' minutes') AS TimeDiff from items where item_id=39 或者我应 浏览2提问...
UPDATEStudentsSETtotal_time=TIMEDIFF(CURTIME(), updated_at); However, TIMEDIFF returns a Time variable if I am correct... how can I turn that to minutes? ALSO... would this work even with the correct casting to minutes? Because of the "ON UPDATE" method used for the updated_at column,...
Description:The result of the TIMEDIFF function comparison against TIME is inconsistent and/or incorrect. The TIMEDIFF function does not take into account the minutes or seconds when compared to the result of the TIME function. Run the query below in order to see the results.How to repeat:SELEC...
BTW, it seems that the problem located in the function - 'TIMEDIFF' because I use it to calculate how much time my task used. And 'TIMEDIFF' should return a value as string like '25:10:10' (it means '25hours,10minutes,25 seconds') But when I tried to get the value, it was con...
I'm in the process of converting my MS SQL statements to MySQL 4.1.3 beta and I've come up against a little problem. I have a query that queries a members table to get a count of members that have logged in in the last 15 minutes. My current query is below... select count(...
$elapsed = time() + Settings::mysqlTimeDiff() *3600- strtotime($comment['date']);if($elapsed <60) { $time_ago = $CFG->comments_less_than_minute; }elseif($elapsed >60&& $elapsed <60*60) { $minutes = floor($elapsed /60); ...
$modtime = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT sum(duration) FROM Games WHERE modId = {$mod} AND id IN (SELECT distinct gameId FROM Games2players WHERE playerId={$pid})"),0,0); $side = @mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT side,count(*) AS cnt FROM Games2players WHERE playerId={$pid...
1回答 我如何使用mysql select查询在"x小时y分钟z秒“之类的单词中得到两次差异 、 我在一个表名中有两个time列: start_time和end_time。我需要这些瓷砖之间的区别。例如start_time = 18:40:00和end_time = 20:50:00。输出将为2 hours 10 minutes. 浏览1提问于2016-08-31得票数 0 ...