Indeed, we found that Cervical Dystonia patients had abnormalities in turning, as well as in standing-up and sitting-down from a chair during the Timed up and go test than healthy controls. Interpretation Impairment in postural control in cervical dystonia patients during walking and postural ...
Instructions “Rise from the chair, walk to the line on the floor, turn, return to the chair and sit down again”. Score (Time required to complete the task): ___(sec) Interpretation of score: The timed “Up & Go” score is correlated with the client’s balance, gait speed and fun...
66 years: Korean national representative longitudinal study over 5.7 years Ki Young Son1*, Dong Wook Shin2,3, Ji Eun Lee4, Sang Hyuck Kim5, Jae Moon Yun6,7 and Belong Cho6,7,8 Abstract Background: The timed up and go test (TUG) is one of the most widely used tests of mobility....
The Timed Up and Go test (TUG) is a commonly used screening tool to assist clinicians to identify patients at risk of falling. The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to determine the overall predictive value of the TUG in community-dwelling older adults. Methods A literatu...
Is the Timed Up and Go test a useful predictor of risk of falls in community dwelling older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis BMC Geriatr. (2014) H.A. Bischoff et al. Identifying a cut-off point for normal mobility: a comparison of the timed ‘up and go'test in community...
The present study aimed to evaluate the reliability and concurrent criterion-related validity of the accelerations with an iPhone 4?? in an Extended Timed Get Up and Go test. Extended Timed Get Up and Go is a clinical test with that the patient get up from the chair and walking ten meters...
Measures of physical performance assessments: Self-Paced Walk Test (SPWT), Stair Climb Test (SCT), Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT), Chair Stand Test (CST), Timed Up & Go (TUG), Sock Test, Lift and Carry Test (LCT), and Car Task...
the automated writing evaluation group were under the impression that the feedback had been provided by the teacher (the rubric) andPaperRater(the AWE) (see Appendix for an example of overall feedback and Fig.3for additional examples of grammar feedback). This was accomplished by typing up ...
The timed up and go (TUG) test [1,2] is widely used in elderly patients with a range of mobility impairments for evaluating basic locomotor activities (i.e. standing up, walking, turning around and sitting down). In this patients’ population, the TUG test is a common outcome measure ...
Test of Li-ion Battery for Self-heating & Lifetime Evaluation, HE Xiangming, Tsinghua University 热度: 相关推荐 MeasuresofPhysicalPerformanceAssessments Self-PacedWalkTest(SPWT),StairClimbTest(SCT),Six-MinuteWalkTest(6MWT), ChairStandTest(CST),TimedUp&Go(TUG),SockTest,LiftandCarryTest(LCT),...