Score (Time required to complete the task): ___(sec) Interpretation of score: The timed “Up & Go” score is correlated with the client’s balance, gait speed and functional capacity. The score, in seconds, can be interpreted as follows: <10 sec <20 sec 20 – 29 sec >30 sec ...
Timed Up and Goactivities of daily livingelderlyThe Timed Up and Go (TUG) assesses functional mobility. The clinical usefulness and interpretation of cutoff scores for the original TUG, however, is unclear with community ambulators. Adding a cognitive or manual task to the TUG or manipulating ...
In their updated version, Podsiadlo and Richardson maintained the test protocol, which consists of, on the word “go”, get up from a chair, walk 3 m at a comfortable and safe pace, turn, return to the chair, and sit down again. However, the score given was based in the time ...
Score interpretation. Mean SD normative speed ref- erence values for healthy adults (30): woman age 50–59 years, 1.40 0.15 meters/second (height normalized to 0.86); man age 50–59 years, 1.39 0.23 meters/second (height normalized to 0.78); woman age 60–69 years, 1.28 0.18 meters/seco...
The timed up and go (TUG) test [1,2] is widely used in elderly patients with a range of mobility impairments for evaluating basic locomotor activities (i.e. standing up, walking, turning around and sitting down). In this patients’ population, the TUG test is a common outcome measure ...
66 years: Korean national representative longitudinal study over 5.7 years Ki Young Son1*, Dong Wook Shin2,3, Ji Eun Lee4, Sang Hyuck Kim5, Jae Moon Yun6,7 and Belong Cho6,7,8 Abstract Background: The timed up and go test (TUG) is one of the most widely used tests of mobility....
Measures of physical performance assessments: Self-Paced Walk Test (SPWT), Stair Climb Test (SCT), Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT), Chair Stand Test (CST), Timed Up & Go (TUG), Sock Test, Lift and Carry Test (LCT), and Car Task...
Logistic regression analysis indicated that the TUG score is not a significant predictor of falls (OR = 1.01, 95% CI 1.00-1.02, p = 0.05). Conclusion The Timed Up and Go test has limited ability to predict falls in community dwelling elderly and should not be used in isolation ...
Automated writing evaluation (AWE) and L2 writing With the advancement of technology has come the invention of software collectively referred to as AWE. This software can assess writing in a multitude of ways that results in the production of a score and detailed feedback relevant to processed te...
Participants completed a daily sleep log, in which they noted bedtime, wake-up time, estimated total sleep time, sleep latency, wake after sleep onset, naps, and sleep quality. A visual analog scale (VAS) score for daytime sleepiness was completed every 2 hours on Mondays, Wednesdays, and ...