必应词典为您提供Time-to-First-Fix的释义,网络释义: 首次定位时间;第一点定位时间;
Additionally, the index Mean Time To Jth Failure (MTTJF) is given as the extension of Mean Time To First Failure (MTTFF). 本文还提出了第J次故障前平均运行时间MTTJF这个可靠性指标,作为对首次故障前平均运行时间MTTFF的推广。 joa.csee.org.cn 2. mean time to first failure 首次故障前平均时间 ww...
网络第一个位元组时间 网络释义 1. 第一个位元组时间 ... TCP 层次有很快的认可回应,但是资料回应封包的第一个位元组时间(Time-To-First-Byte) 却会很慢。 msdn.microsoft.com|基于 1 个网页
如果你想优化你的网站的速度和性能,重要的是知道要注意哪些关键指标。例如,Time to First Byte也称为首字节时间(TTFB),就是衡量用户的浏览器从你的网站服务器接收第一个 "字节 "的数据所需的时间。不是渲染它或在屏幕上显示它,而是简单地返回一个字节给浏览器。
Elsevier 给出该期刊的初审时长 (Time to First Decision)、审稿时长 (Review Time)、发表时长 (Publication Time)、接受率(Acceptance Rate),如下图所示。大家可以去期刊页面找到相关数据。 ✅1.Time to First Decision:一篇文章从投稿到对文章做出初步决定所需的平均周数。
Waiting (TTFB). The browser is waiting for the first byte of a response. TTFB stands for Time To First Byte. This timing includes 1 round trip of latency and the time the server took to prepare the response Time to first byte - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_to_first_by...
“首次有内容的渲染”(First Contentful Paint)是当一些有内容的东西(如文字、图像、canvas画布或SVG)第一次被渲染花的时间。它在UMA和trace event中需要用到,并且它可以作为“首次有效渲染”时间的近似值,但它经常捕获没有意义的渲染,如头部和导航栏。
If you are one of the authors, claim this publication so you can create a plain language summary to help more people find, understand and use it. Featured Image Read the Original This page is a summary of: Time to move on from 'time-to-first': should all events be included in the...
Subsequent salvage therapy was defined as the first induction therapy to treat R/R ALL after receipt of study therapy. TST was defined as the time from randomization to the start of the first subsequent salvage therapy for R/R ALL; maintenance or consolidation therapy was not included. HSCT di...