网络碰撞时间 网络释义 1. 碰撞时间 ...观察者准确判断视觉流域中物体到达特定目标的时间——碰撞时间(Time-To-Collision)或接触时间(Time-To-Contact)即TTC的 …|基于 1 个网页
碰撞时间(Time to Collision)检测 碰撞时间检测的目的是判断主车在行驶中与其他交通车的碰撞时间是否过小。 碰撞时间是指主车与引导车的相对距离除以主车与引导车的相对速度。 即使主车未发生碰撞,当碰撞时间过小时,发生碰撞的风险太大,这样也是不合理的。 当碰撞时间小于某一阈值(该阈值可用户自定义,本设计默认...
一种估测运动目标Time-to—Collision的方法 李俊张撞林 (幽像识别与人J:智能研究所)(图像信息处理与钮能控制国家教委开放实验室) 摘要 提出了~种从阁像序列中估测运动目标撞击时fuJ的方法,建立了日标运动的像 皿模帮,并摹于该模型设计了~种多相关跟踪器估计撞彳{÷时『Ⅱj的方案。实验结果证明丁 该方案的...
1)time to collision避撞时间 1.Real road driver behavior experiments on passenger cars were carried out to acquire naturalistic data of various types of driver\'s following behaviors,and the relationship among critical parameters such as inter-vehicular distance,following vehicle\'s speed,time headway...
(1997). Time-To-Collision: A Sensitive Measure of Driver Interaction With Traffic in a Simulated Driving Task. Paper 553. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 41st Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico.Zareh Parseghian, " Time-to Collision: A Sensitive Measure of Driver Interaction with Traffic...
Time-to-collision estimation from motion based on primate visual processing. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 27(8) :1279- 1291, 2005.J.M. Galbraith, G.T. Kenyon, R.W. Ziolkowski, Time-to-Collision estimation from motion based on primate visual processing, IEEE Trans. Pattern ...
Do monocular time-to-collision estimates necessarily involve perceived distance? A theory of visual control of braking based on information about time-to-collision. Perception, 5, 437-459. Misperception of time-to-collision by drivers in pedestrian accidents. Choice of time-headway in car-following...
Time-to-collision provides vital information for obstacle avoidance and for the visual navigation of a robot. The original contribution of this paper is to demonstrate with sequences of real images that time-to-collision can be robustly and accurately recovered with a single calibrated camera, using...