Sibold, Time-ordered perturbation theory on noncommutative spacetime: basic rules, Eur. Phys. J. C 25 (2002) 469 [hep-th/0205269] [SPIRES].Y. Liao and K. Sibold, Time-ordered perturbation theory on noncom- mutative spacetime: Basic rules, Eur. Phys. J. C25 (2002) 469-477 [hep-th/...
In summary, time-order refers to arranging items in order of time, with earlier items to the right of later ones. This concept is used in quantum field theory, specifically in perturbation theory, to calculate the S-matrix. The time-ordered product is a rearrangement of items into time-...
Dehne, Some phenomenological consequences of the time-ordered perturbation theory of QED on non- commutative spacetime [hep-ph/0211425]Y. Liao and C. Dehne, "Some phenomenological consequences of the time-ordered perturbation theory of QED on non-commutative space- time," [arXiv:hep-ph/0211425]...
A framework was recently proposed for doing perturbation theory on\nnoncommutative (NC) spacetime. It preserves the unitarity of S matrix and\ndiffers from the naive, popular approach already at the lowest order in\nperturbation when time does not commute with space. In this work, we\n...
We study remaining Lorentz symmetry, i.e., Lorentz transformations which leave the noncommutativity parameter θμν invariant, within the approach of time-ordered perturbation theory (TOPT) to space–time noncommutative theories. Their violation is shown in a simple scattering process. We argue ...
Integral equations for meson-baryon scattering amplitudes are obtained by utilizing time-ordered perturbation theory for a manifestly Lorentz-invariant formulation of baryon chiral perturbation theory. Effective potentials are defined as sums of two-particle irreducible contributions of time-ordered diagrams ...
Zeiner, Unitarity of time-like noncommutative gauge theories: the violation of ward identities in time-ordered perturbation theory, Nucl. Phys. B 676 (2004) 229 [hep-th/0309021].T. Ohl, R. Ruckl, and J. Zeiner. Unitarity of time-like noncommutative gauge theories: The viola- tion of ...
In contrast to other approaches reported in the literature the theory does not use perturbation theory in the interaction picture and an integral formulation as a starting point, but rather requires a propagation of the resulting differential equation for the amplitudes. While the theory is applicable...
Integral equations for meson-baryon scattering amplitudes are obtained by utilizing time-ordered perturbation theory for a manifestly Lorentz-invariant formulation of baryon chiral perturbation theory. Effective potentials are defined as sums of two-particle irreducible contributions of time-ordered diagrams ...
functionsinteractionslinear momentummathematical spacematrix elementsperturbation theoryrenormalizationwightman field theory quantum field theory/wightman functions for divergence- free and local, for renormalizable and unrenormalizable interactions, perturbation analysis from time-ordered matrix elements as indica...