frequency n. 1.[C,U]发生率,出现率,重复率 2.[U]频繁 3.[C,U]频率 time n. 1.时间;(Time)时间老人 2.(一段)时间 3.时刻;时令 4.规定时间;合适时候 5.时机;机会 6.(times)历史时期;时代 7.(times)时期;时势 8.( time, 时间 PERT/TIME PERT/TIME程序使用程序评价和审定技术,在工程执行...
Time–Frequency Time–Frequency 百科解释 目录 英文原义:Trivial File Transfer Protocol 中文释义:简单文件传输协议或零碎文件传输协议 注解:TFTP协议的作用和我们经常使用的FTP大致相同,都是用于文件的传输,可以实现网络中两台计算机之间的文件上传与下载。可以将TFTP协议看做是FTP协议的简化版本,两者的区别主要在于:一...
第二步,Multi-scale Time-frequency Enhanced Encoders 在这里,采用了多个不同大小的滑动窗口size,并对不同的窗口有对应的trend encoder和seansonal encoder,不同的encoder之间,除了time frequency block(TFB)之外是共享backbone的。 可以看到Encoder由四部分组成:Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT)、Time-frequency Blo...
time-frequency ridges. Estimate instantaneous frequency, instantaneous bandwidth, spectral kurtosis, and spectral entropy. Perform data-adaptive time-frequency analysis using empirical or variational mode decomposition and the Hilbert-Huang transform. Explore other time-frequency representations and analysis ...
Time-Frequency Representation Based on an Adaptive Short-Time Fourier Transform In this paper, a new concise algorithm about time-frequency representation (TFR) based on an adaptive short-time Fourier transform (ASTFT) is presented. In...
Time Frequency (T-F) Masking Technique 时频掩蔽技术。 掩蔽效应 声掩蔽(auditory masking)是指一个声音的听阈因另一个声音的存在而上升的现象。纯音被白噪声所掩蔽时,纯音听阈上升的分贝数,主要决定于以纯音频率为中心一个窄带噪声的功率。 声掩蔽主要决定于以纯音频率为中心一个窄带噪声的功率。这个窄带的频率...
AeGAN: Time-Frequency Speech Denoising via Generative Adversarial Networks (时频GAN) RainMoon WHU-CS硕4 人赞同了该文章 ABSTRACT--自动语音识别(ASR)系统如今在语音到文本处理和语言翻译等普通任务中具有至关重要的意义。这就产生了对能够在现实的拥挤环境中运行的ASR系统的需求。因此,语音增强是ASR系统和...
Time-Frequency Gallery CWT-Based Time-Frequency Analysis Categories Continuous Wavelet Transforms 1-D and 2-D CWT, inverse 1-D CWT, 1-D CWT filter bank, wavelet cross-spectrum and coherence Constant-Q, Data-Adaptive, and Quadratic Time-Frequency Transforms ...
信号的时频分析(Time-Frequency Analysis)技术,不同于单纯时域或者频域分析,它是一种同时在时域和频域中对信号进行 …|基于36个网页 2. 时间变化之时频分析图 可得到随着时间变化之时频分析图(time-frequency analysis)。此方法必须假设该 ...
It is a detailed survey of a variety of techniques for time-frequency/time-scale analysis (the essence of "Wavelet Analysis"). This book has broad and comprehensive coverage of a topic of keen interest to a variety of engineers, especially those concerned with signal and image processing. ...