Here we use time-delayed mutual information to investigate information flow related to a special class of interneurons-theta-driving neurons in the hippocampal CA1 region of the mouse-to characterize the interactions between theta-driving neurons and theta oscillations. For freely behaving mice, our ...
In contrast, we show that the time-delayed mutual information (TDMI) analysis is able to successfully identify the direction of interactions underlying these nonlinear systems. We then apply both methods to neuroscience data collected from experiments and demonstrate that the TDMI analysis but not the...
H. TDSDMI: Inference of time-delayed gene regulatory network using S-system model with delayed mutual information. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 72, 218–225 (2016). Article PubMed Google Scholar Kimura, S., Ide, K. & Kashihara, A. Inference of S-system models of genetic networks ...
We share the same idea with MIT (Mutual Information Tests) [44] and MDL (the Minimum Description Length principle) for developing a scoring metric that can score both instantaneous and time-delayed interactions simultaneously: to use the MI/log-likelihood measure between a nodeX, and its parents...
In biological oscillator communities the transmission of information between two oscillators needs a finite time τ. We investigate the influence of this effect on the mutual entrainment of two limit cycle oscillators with different frequencies by coupling them with a time delay τ. It is shown that...
Detecting dynamical interdependence and generalized synchrony through mutual prediction in a neural ensemble. Phys Rev E 54, 6708–6724 (1996). 21. Ma, H., Zhou, T., Aihara, K. & Chen, L. Predicting time series from short-term high-dimensional data. Int J Bifurcat Chaos 24, 1430033 (...
where and are no longer constant parameters but variables of the global dynamics (and hence time dependent) and the functions and capture the mutual adaptation of the system-environment dipole. Hence, the system of (5) has now to be considered globally—the system and its environment, are allo...
[IEEE IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - San Francisco, CA, USA (28 March-1 April 1993)] IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Minimum description length pruning and maximum mutual information training of ada... -The major problem in implementing artificial neural ...
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