阿拉巴马州Alabama阿拉斯加州Alaska亚历桑拿州Arizona阿肯色州Arkansas 加利福利亚州California科罗拉多州Colorado康涅狄格州Connecticut佛罗里达州Florida 乔治亚州Georgia夏威夷州Hawaii爱达荷州Idaho伊利诺伊州Illinois 印第安那州Indiana艾瓦州Iowa堪萨斯州Kansas肯塔基州Kentucky 路易斯安那州Louisiana缅因州Maine马里兰州Maryland麻萨诸塞州...
阿拉巴马州Alabama阿拉斯加州Alaska亚历桑拿州Arizona阿肯色州Arkansas 加利福利亚州California科罗拉多州Colorado康涅狄格州Connecticut佛罗里达州Florida 乔治亚州Georgia夏威夷州Hawaii爱达荷州Idaho伊利诺伊州Illinois 印第安那州Indiana艾瓦州Iowa堪萨斯州Kansas肯塔基州Kentucky 路易斯安那州Louisiana缅因州Maine马里兰州Maryland麻萨诸塞州...
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The time zone of Dubai and the United Emirates is UAE Standard Time. UAE Standard time is four hours in front of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Clock showing time in London, Frankfurt, Istanbul, Moscow, and Dubai. In Dubai and the United Arab Emirates there is no daylight saving time ...
Time Zone Look Up by State with Current Local Times Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New ...
Time Zone Look Up by State with Current Local Times Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota
World-TimeDate displays current local time, world time and date, sunrise, sunset time, moonrise, moonset time, moonphase time, timezone name, timezone offset, timezone id, daylight saving time of a world city for a specific month, year. It generates mon
Therefore, in order to convert PDT to MDT, you should add one extra hour; In order to convert PDT to CDT, you should add two hours, and convert PDT to EDT, just add three hours. Also, pay attention that PDT is two hours ahead of the Hawaii–Aleutian Time Zone. PDT is one hour...
UTC-09:00Alaska Time Zone, as clearly observed in its name, includes the most of the territory of Alaska. UTC-10:00Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zonecovers Hawaii and western part of the Aleutian Islands belonging to Alaska. Other 3 time zones are used in the insular areas of the US, outside of...
bordering withCanadato the north andMexicoat South. The state ofAlaskais in the northwest of the continent, withCanadato the east andRussiato the west across the Bering Strait. The state ofHawaiiis an archipelago in the Pacific means. The country also possesses several territories in the Pacifi...