Current local time in Warsaw, IN, USA 7:34 :42 pm Thursday, 19 December 2024 (EST) Convert Warsaw Time Want to convert Warsaw time to different time zone? Our EST Time Zone Converter will help you find and compare Warsaw time to any time zone or city around the world. ...
Eastern Time Zone is GMT/UTC - 4h during Daylight Saving Time Central Time Zone UTC - GMT Offset Central Time Zone in Indiana is GMT/UTC - 6h during Standard Time Central Time Zone in Indiana is is GMT/UTC - 5h during Daylight Saving Time ...
Speedway, Indiana Local Time Details Time Zone Abbreviations Eastern Standard Time - is abbreviated as EST Eastern Daylight Time - is abbreviated as EDT UTC - GMT Offset Speedway, Indiana is GMT/UTC - 5h during Standard Time Speedway, Indiana is GMT/UTC - 4h during Daylight Saving Time ...
Time Zones in Indiana Indiana is generally in theEastern Time Zoneexcept 12 counties in the west corner border regions, which are in theCentral Time Zone. Cities in Eastern Standard Time Zone include South Bend, Granger, Goshen, Angola, Auburn, Plymouth, Warsaw, Fort Wayne, Rochester, Bluffton...
TIMEZONE is a required parameter that represents the Olson database name for the time zone of the source server.
GET 範例回覆 狀態碼: 200 JSON 複製 [ { "Id": "Africa/Bamako", "IsAlias": true, "AliasOf": "Africa/Abidjan", "HasZone1970Location": true }, { "Id": "Africa/Banjul", "IsAlias": true, "AliasOf": "Africa/...
GET URI 参数 展开表 名称在必需类型说明 format path True JsonFormat 响应的所需格式。 仅支持 json 格式。 api-version query True string Azure Maps API 的版本号。 请求头 展开表 名称必需类型说明 x-ms-client-id string 指...
Time zones can be specified for any request by adding the timezone parameter with a value corresponding to any identifier found in the table. Identifier names are case-sensitive, and must be URL-encoded in HTTP GET requests, for example: ...
Dubai Time Zone The time zone of Dubai and the United Emirates is UAE Standard Time. UAE Standard time is four hours in front of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Clock showing time in London, Frankfurt, Istanbul, Moscow, and Dubai. ...
Value of time_zoneDescriptionOffset (hour) Etc/GMT+12 GMT-12:00 -12 Etc/GMT+11 GMT-11:00 -11 Pacific/Midway Samoa Standard Time -11 Pacific/Niue Niue Time -11 Pacific/Pago_Pago Samoa Standard Time -11 Pacific/Samoa Samoa Standard Time -11 US/Samoa Samoa Standard Time -11 America/Adak...