View below current local time in a representative city for each time zone GMT -05:0022:09:37 Toronto GMT -06:0021:09:37 Winnipeg GMT -07:0020:09:37 Edmonton GMT -08:0019:09:37 Vancouver GMT -04:0023:09:37 Halifax GMT -03:3023:39:37 ...
目前是本地标准时间 埃德蒙顿(Edmonton), 加拿大(Canada)埃德蒙顿时区信息 当前时间: 22:01:02 2025年03月02日 星期日(该城市目前没有执行夏令时..) 标准时区: UTC/GMT -7小时 (西七区) 当前时区: UTC/GMT -7小时 夏令时:DST 开始时间:2025-03-09 02:00:00结束时间:2025-11-02 02:00:00 时差:...
This page displays Edmonton time, Edmonton local time, current Edmonton time, current local time of Edmonton, current time of Edmonton, time of Edmonton, current local time of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Edmonton timezone, Edmonton timezone id, Get Edmont
Daylight Savings Time Change, DST 2025 USA - New York, Current local time, Current Time Zone, Time change 2025, Clock time and (DST) summer and winter symbols update live
Value of time_zoneDescriptionOffset (hour) Etc/GMT+12 GMT-12:00 -12 Etc/GMT+11 GMT-11:00 -11 Pacific/Midway Samoa Standard Time -11 Pacific/Niue Niue Time -11 Pacific/Pago_Pago Samoa Standard Time -11 Pacific/Samoa Samoa Standard Time -11 US/Samoa Samoa Standard Time -11 America/Adak...
America/Edmonton (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (Edmonton) Canada/Mountain (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (Edmonton) America/Fort_Nelson (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (Fort Nelson) America/Inuvik (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (Inuvik) America/Ojinaga (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (Ojinaga) US/Arizona (UTC...
SQL Server 2022 (16.x) on Linux first determines which time zone to use, using the first valid result from the following sequence: the TZ environment variable, if set; the /etc/localtime symbolic link, if it exists; the value /etc/timezone, if the file exists; the ZONE= attribute ...
Time zone IDRaw offset (Hours : Minutes)DST offset (Minutes)Display nameQTIMZON variable (IBM i only) Etc/GMT+12 -12 : 00 GMT-12:00 Etc/GMT+11 -11 : 00 GMT-11:00 MIT -11 : 00 West Samoa Time Pacific/Apia -11 : 00 West Samoa Time QN1100UTCS Pacific/Midway -11... @Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.106.0 (build e852934)", date="2025-02-21T03:20:27.102Z") @Stability(Stable) public class TimeZone extends Canonical names of the IANA time zones, derived from the IANA Time Zone Databas...
使用TimeZone.getTimeZone方法来获取time zone值,该方法传入一个ID参数,参数说明如下: the ID for a <code>TimeZone</code>, either an abbreviation such as "PST", a full name such as "America/Los_Angeles", or a custom ID such as "GMT-8:00". Note that the support of abbreviations is for...