错误信息 "time variable not set, use tsset varname ..." 表示在Stata中执行某些需要时间序列数据的操作时,系统没有识别到已经设置的时间变量。这通常发生在使用如滞后项生成、时间序列模型等命令时。 2. 确认数据集中存在时间变量 在尝试设置时间变量之前,首先需要确认您的数据集中确实存在一个可以作为时间变量的...
用stata做ADF检验时候,输入DFULLER TH,就出现这个time variable not set,是设置错误造成的,解决方法如下:1、首先使用系统自带的数据做RESET检验sysuse auto。解释:导入系统中自带的数据autodescirbe。2、reg price rep78 headroom trunk weight length,解释:对数据进行回归。3、使用y的拟合值进行RES...
单位根就是指单位根过程,可以证明,序列中存在单位根过程就不平稳,会使回归分析中存在伪回归。 stata中ADF检验的命令是:dfuller 变量名 时间序列模型直接输入dfuller会出现time variable not set, use tsset varname ... 图一 报错啦~ 原因是时间序列模型要在这里定义你的数据时间序列:tsset time 图二tsset time ...
tsreport > time variable not set, use -tsset varname ...- > r(111); > > . tsset sequential_month > repeated time values in sample > r(451); > *** > > How can I declare that a variable > represents "time"? * * For searches and help try: * http://www.stata.com/support/...
tsreport > > time variable not set, use -tsset varname ...- > > r(111); > > > > . tsset sequential_month > > repeated time values in sample > > r(451); > > *** > > > > How can I declare that a variable > > represents "time"? > * > * For searches and help try...
每当我输入 xtset code year 就会出现 varlist: code: string variable not allowed 到底怎么了 下面是我的数据varlist: code: string variable not allowed destring XXX, replace force 定义面板数据时,出现repeated time values within panel 是怎么回事,如何解决?谢谢大家。
Baum, Otero, Hurn Testing for time-varying Granger causality 2021 Stata Symposium 22 / 52 The tvgc command Syntax The tvgc command tests whether the first variable in the varlist is Granger-caused by the remaining variables. Before using the tvgc command, it is necessary to tsset the data...
tsset is simply a way for you to tell Stata which variable in your dataset represents time; tsset then sorts and indexes the data appropriately for use with the time-series commands. Once your dataset has been tsset, you can use Stata's time-series operators in data manipulation or ...
tsset is simply a way for you to tell Stata which variable in your dataset represents time; tsset then sorts and indexes the data appropriately for use with the time-series commands. Once your dataset has been tsset, you can use Stata's time-series operators in data manipulation or ...