1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业起立行走试验“起立-行走”计时测试(the timed“up & go”)是一种快速定量评定功能性步行能力的方法,由Podisadle和Richardson在Mathias等人“起立-行走”测试(get-up and go test)...
“起立-行走”计时测试(the timed“up &go”)是一种快速定量评定功能性步行能力的方法,由Podisadle和Richardson在Mathias等人“起立-行走"测试(get—upand go test)[1]的基础上加以改进而形成。研究结果最初在美国第42届老年学年会(1989)上报告,其后发表在《美国老年学杂志》上(1991)[2].由于该评定方法简单,...
起立行走试验 “ 起立- 行走” 计时测试(the timed“up & go”)是一种快速定量评定功能性步行能力的方法,由 Podisadle 和 Richardson 在 Mathias 等人“起立-行走”测试(get-up and go test)[ 1 ] 的基础上加以改进而形成。研究结果最初在美国第 42 届老年学年会(1989)上报告,其后发表在《美国老年学杂志...
起立行走试验 time up and go test951.docx,可编辑文档 PAGE 页码页码/NUMPAGES 总页数总页数 起立行走试验 “起立-行走”计时测试(the timed“up go”)是一种快速定量评定功能性步行能力的方法,由Podisadle和Richardson在Mathias等人“起立-行走”测试(get-up and go test
网络记时起立行走测试;整体平衡能力;计时起走测试 网络释义
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TTD allows you to go back in time to better understand the conditions that lead up to the bug and replay it multiple times to learn how best to fix the problem. TTD can have advantages over crash dump files, which often miss the state and execution path that led to the ultimate failure...
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