BeforeKeanu Reeves was an action star, he starred in the movieBill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, a wacky time travel comedy and adventure flick. The film follows the two titular high school friends, Bill (Alex Winter) and Ted (Reeves), whose desperation to pass their history class leads to...
Eugene Cordero,Gugu Mbatha-Raw,Heart of the TVA,Jonathan Majors,Kate Dickie,Ke Huy Quan,Liz Carr,Loki,Neil Ellice,Owen Wilson,Rafael Casal,Science Fiction,Science Fiction Television,Sophia di Martino,Superhero Television,Tara Strong,Time Travel,Tom Hiddleston,Wunmi Mosaku|...
In an almostGroundhog Dayscenario (and it's worth noting that film is a benchmark for romantic time-travel movie),When We First Metis a humorous film that's filled with charm and charisma thanks to the talents of the cast, especially in the case of DeVine. Where the romantic connection i...
About Time: Directed by Richard Curtis. With Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams, Bill Nighy, Lydia Wilson. At the age of 21, Tim discovers he can travel in time and change what happens and has happened in his own life. His decision to make his world a bett
Stewie has a near-death experience that sets up the time travel in the next two eps. "Bango Was His Name Oh!" Season 4; Episode 29, 2006 May 21 Second of three parts of the reedited straight-to-DVD Family Guy movie, Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story (see). Stewie sees a man he ...
Whether you're in the mood for an adorable romantic comedy, a nail-biting action flick or a haunting sci-fi movie, these time-travel movies cross every type of genre and style.
From "Back to the Future" and "The Terminator" to "Interstellar" and "La Jetee," these are the best time travel movies of all, well, time.
Become a member to see contact information for Which TIME TRAVEL Movie Should We Watch Next? (Vote 2024). Try IMDbPro Premium for free + Add Cast 0 cast members Contribute to this section by adding a cast member Add cast MOVIEmeter ...
Hello my time travel movies fans Yesterday night I watched a wonderful film and I wanted to share it with you. If you didn’t see the ‘Paradox’ time travel movie you should:) Maybe it is not a very new or original concept but don’t worry, I am not talking from the point of vi...
time traveler, bouncing across time in search of lost love. Or a group of travelers unable to return home due to a rift in the space/time continuum. Better yet, the star-crossed lovers fated only to get snatches of time together.Swoon. There is so much to love about time travel TV ...