The time to recovery of pneumonia patients can be given as: status = 0, if not recover 1, recover Independent variables The list of independent variables and their description, categories, and coding were presented in Table 1. Statistical methods The data were explored using individual profile...
Children: clinical signs of non-severe pneumonia (i.e., cough or difficulty breathing plus fast breathing and/or chest indrawing) and no signs of severe pneumonia. Fast breathing is defined as: ● <2 months of age: ≥60 breaths/minute ● 2–11 months of age: ≥50 breaths/minute ● 1...
jointly affects the three longitudinal measures and time to recovery of pneumonia patients and we can conclude that patients with severe pneumonia have high values of respiratory rate and pulse rate as well as less amount of oxygen saturation and they need longer time to recover from the disease....
Set up by a severe cold in October, Mary could not throw off her pneumonia.玛丽十月间得过一场重感冒,抵抗力大为减弱,因而肺炎难以痊愈。
Pneumonia or Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) is the most common disease in calves more than one month old. Areas of the lung emboli die and the damage is significant and permanent. Even if animals recover, their performance during their lifetime is compromised4. Multiple factors can trigger th...
Other independent variables: Study participants’ characteristics (sex, residence, age), routine medications, supplements and co-morbidities (like malaria, Pneumonia, severe anemia). Operational definitions Stabilizing time or length of stay (LoS): refers to the number of days it takes from hospitaliza...
The most common serious adverse events were COVID-19 pneumonia (ivermectin [n = 5]; placebo [n = 7]) and venous thromboembolism (ivermectin [n = 1]; placebo [n = 5]). Conclusions and Relevance Among outpatients with mild to moderate COVID-19, treatment with ivermectin...
The interpretation of the trial is somewhat limited by the change of inclusion criteria during the trial; patients randomized with bacterial community-acquired pneumonia were excluded and the actual mortality rate was substantially lower than that used to estimate the sample size. Nonetheless, the ...
Other independent variables: Study participants’ characteristics (sex, residence, age), routine medications, supplements and co-morbidities (like malaria, Pneumonia, severe anemia). Operational definitions Stabilizing time or length of stay (LoS): refers to the number of days it takes from hospitaliza...
2. General mortality rate of novel coronavirus pneumonia and the reason for high mortality rate in some countries. 3. How effective are the epidemic control policies in various countries and why Germany has a low motality rate? 4. How to protect yourself from infection?