“Time to make the donuts.” If you don’t remember that commercial from the ’80s and ’90s, it was a phrase that Fred the Baker would mumble to himself as he woke up every day while getting ready to go to work at Dunkin’ Donuts. Every day, the same thing, day in and day out...
treated cucumber. Making a real sourdough bread takes time, while adding sugar and commercial quick acting yeast puffs up the bread before natural bacteria has had time to convert carbohydrates in the flour into superfoods for you. Cabbage is not the same as sauerkraut fermented at home and ...
The War Rig says, “Let’s do some donuts in the muddy parking lot.”“OK,’ I replied. This drive was a lot of me cursing at the mud and the truck. “Stay in the ruts, you SOB!” and such. I had to stay in the ruts because the road had a ditch to either side. If I ...
Donuts The Detroit beatmaster made most ofDonutsin his hospital room, as he lay dying from a rare blood disease. Dilla knew he didn’t have time to waste — he died three days after the album dropped. But he packs a lifetime’s worth of sonic imagination into these instrumental grooves...
The modern technique of sous vide cooking can be used to achieve this effect; we’ll cover this in Chapter 7. “Cooking = time * temperature” This has to be one of the hand-waviest formulas ever. I hereby apologize. To make up for it, here’s an actual mathematical model for ...
Residents Commercial AlbumReturn to Forever Where Have I Known You BeforeRev, Martin Martin RevRevere, Paul and The Raiders RevolutionRex RexReynolds, Jody Endless SleepRezillos Can’t Stand The RezillosRhodes, Emitt Emitt RhodesRibot, Marc Rootless CosmopolitansRich Kids Ghost of Princess TowersRide...
Donuts The Detroit beatmaster made most ofDonutsin his hospital room, as he lay dying from a rare blood disease. Dilla knew he didn’t have time to waste — he died three days after the album dropped. But he packs a lifetime’s worth of sonic imagination into these instrumental grooves...
everything in the room pretty much was old and worn out management did nothing to make sure our vacation was memorable. food was ok but the same food over and over. staff wasn’t great either seems like it is just a job for them no prid...
Young woman on a diet wants to eat donuts Close-up portrait of Ulysses Grant on 50 dollar bill Cat looks in the window, lies on the carpet and wags its tail close up Man chooses food taping on screen in fast food restaurant Industrial climber removes equipment from roof fence Angel on th...
Residents Commercial AlbumReturn to Forever Where Have I Known You BeforeRev, Martin Martin RevRevere, Paul and The Raiders RevolutionRex RexReynolds, Jody Endless SleepRezillos Can’t Stand The RezillosRhodes, Emitt Emitt RhodesRibot, Marc Rootless CosmopolitansRich Kids Ghost of Princess TowersRide...