TimeSpy TimeSpy 采用纯 DirectX 12 引擎,支持异步计算、显示多适配器以及多线程等新 API 功能,主要测试在2560×1440分辨率下显卡的光栅化图形性能。 图中测试分数基本来自于3DMark TimeSpy中Graphics Score单卡平均分; 只能代表在3DMark官网上传数据的用户平均分数,仅供参考。 更新:部分显卡测试分数更新,另外加入以下显...
3DMark的TimeSpy是目前最具有权威性的游戏显卡测试项目,其测试了一块显卡在DX12,1440P下的性能,而且不像新A卡在FireStrike的分数较高,它既不偏向A卡和也不偏向N卡,是衡量一款显卡在DX12游戏中的表现和对比新显卡性能的好选择。 图中所有分数均来自3D Mark TimeSpy的Graphics Score单卡平均分。 1. 性能百分比对比...
3DMark的TimeSpy是目前最具有权威性的游戏显卡测试项目,其测试了一块显卡在DX12,1440P下的性能,而且不像新A卡在FireStrike的分数较高,它既不偏向A卡和也不偏向N卡,是衡量一款显卡在DX12游戏中的表现和对比新显卡性能的好选择。 图中所有分数均来自3D Mark TimeSpy的Graphics Score单卡平均分。 1. 性能百分比对比...
After doing that, I ran Timespy again and my graphics score was around 35.5k. Right where it should be for stock. Try that out if you’ve still got the hardware for it and lmk what you get Thanks! I ended up having a bad DDR slot - so it must’ve affected performance before ...
我们取这些原始结果的调和平均值并将其乘以缩放常数以达到图形分数 (S_graphics)。 缩放常数用于使分数与传统的 3DMark 分数水平保持一致。 CPU测试分数 CPU 测试由三个越来越重的级别组成,每个级别都有 10 秒的时间线。 第三个也是最重的,它以每秒帧数 (FPS) 为单位的原始性能结果,该结果乘以缩放常数以给出 ...
例如在一些论坛讨论中,有用户分享了不同 CPU 的 Timespy 分数,如超到 5g 的 12400 已达到当年 9980xe 的水准;147kf 分数达到 28000+等。 此外,还有一些专业的笔记本显卡天梯图也涉及 Timespy 分数。如 3DMark 官方提供的笔记本显卡天梯图,其数据来源中 3DMark Graphics Score 是评估显卡性能的核心指标,反映了...
After reading through it, I ran Time Spy on my system (5900X and 4090) and discovered my graphics score was also a bit low. Here's my starting point: After some tweaking, I ended up here: I did the following: disabled virtualization enabled resizable bar set PBO limits to motherboard ...
You can see just how power constrained it is in Graphics Test 2.7900X @ 4.7---2080Ti @ 2135MHz---4000MHZ---16-17-17-41 1TTime Spy StandardDriver 411.72https://www.3dmark.com/spy/4537012 9800X3D / 6400 CAS 28 / ROG X870 Crosshair / TUF RTX 4090 0 Kudos Reply jpmboy Lev...
I noticed that as well, people seem to be running Galax bios for Timespy if you look at the results, so I'll flash the BIOS first and see if power usage goes up (which it should) and so should the score by a bit. If there's a Galax BIOS, it's probably that the cards are...
Time Spy Extreme Time Spy Extreme Graphics Score Time Spy Extreme CPU Score Time Spy Time Spy Graphics Score Speed Way Port Royal Solar Bay Steel Nomad DX12 Steel Nomad Vulkan Steel Nomad Light DX12 Steel Nomad Light Vulkan Fire Strike Ultra Fire Strike Extreme Fire Strike Fire Strike Physics ...