we fuse the time-resolved image of a SPAD detector, which is low in spatial resolution, with the image of a conventional CCD sensor which integrates the signal over the whole acquisition time but provides higher spatial resolution. Our method uses...
这种方法在测试的时候非常有效,因为仅仅需要一次前向传播即可。但是,像素级的误差 没有捕获 输出和 gt 图像之间的 感知区别(perceptual differences)。 与此同时,最近的工作表明,高质量的图像可以通过 perceptual loss function 来生成,不依赖于像素之间的差别,而是 高层图像特征之间的差别。图像正是基于这种特征之间的 ...
【论文读后感】:Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution 摘要 本文解决《A neural algorithm of artistic style》一文中的问题,即图像风格转换。1.对于这种问题一般都是使用一个神经网络根据逐像素loss( per-pixel loss)来完成的。2.有研究表明基于从训练好的神经网络中提取出的高级图像...
Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution(粗浅理解) 一、引入 最近在看论文NPBG(Neural Point-Based Graphics),这里面用了Perceptual Loss作为渲染的损失函数,因此就去大概了解了一下。Perceptual Loss在图像风格迁移领域有着非常重要的作用,主要由Loss_feature和Loss_style构成,两个loss分别...
This paper addresses the enhancement of the spatial resolution of a video sequence from a low resolution video sequence in real time. The technique used, known as super-resolution reconstruction, exploits the relative motion from frame to frame that produces sub-pixel shifts. The algorithm, based ...
这篇论文Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution由Stanford Uni 的Justion Johnson所写, 27 Mar 2016 发表在arXiv 名词解释LR: 低分辨率图像 low resolutional images HR: 高分辨率图像 high resolutional images SR: 超分辨率图像 Super-Resolution images CNN: 卷积神经网络 Convolution...
a function of its order (seeSupplementary Information—“III. Superlets and redundancy suppression: towards multiscale TFRs/Redundancy suppression by superlets–analytical derivation”). Results indicate that the frequency resolution of the SL is very close to that of the largest wavelet in its set....
Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution【阅读笔记】 一些经典的图像问题,如去雾、去噪、超分辨率等等其实都可以看作是image transformation问题。将输入image transform成output。目前比较常用的一种方法就是用监督的方式训练一个feed-forward的CNN,用像素级的损失函数衡量output和ground-...
Recently, several models based on deep neural networks have achieved great success in terms of both reconstruction accuracy and computational performance for single image super-resolution. In these methods, the low resolution (LR) input image is upscaled to the high resolution (HR) space using a ...
Image super-resolution 图像超分辨率重建是一个经典的问题,很多人提出了非常广泛的技术手段来做图像超分辨率重建。 3. Method Figure 2 如Figure 2 所示,文章的系统由两部分构成:图像转换网络 ,损失网络 (用来定义一系列损失函数 ) 图像变换网络是由权重 ...