关键词:Domain generalization, out-of-distribution generalization, time series classification 研究方向:时间序列分类 一句话总结全文:我们提出了时间序列分类的新观点,并提出了解决它的算法和理论,并进行了可靠的实验。 研究内容:时间序列分类是现实世界中的一个重要问题。由于其分布随时间变化的非平稳特性,构建模型以...
Taxomomy introduced in the following is based on New Trends in Time-Series Anomaly Detection. 图3: 时序异常检测算法分类 如图3, 时序异常检测算法可以分为以下三类。 2.1 Distance-based 基于距离的方法纯粹通过距离度量从原始时间序列中检测异常。 (1) Discord-based Discord-based 模型试图高效地识别时间序列...
Time series is traditionally treated with two main approaches, i.e., the time domain approach and the frequency domain approach. These approaches must rely on a sliding window so that time-shift versions of a sequence can be measured to be similar. Coupled with the use of a root point-to-...
For other, intermediate values of α , the distribution is determined from simulations. We find that the MRHdistribution is markedly different from the previously studied distribution of the maximum height relative to the average height for all α . The two main distinguishing features of the MRH...
Two simple statistics are proposed as distribution-free tests of the randomness of a series of observations. They are linear functions of the numbers of upper and lower records which occur in the series. They are uncorrelated and asymptotically normally distributed. One provides a consistent test ag...
Distribution-Free Tests for Time Series Models Specification. Journal of Econometrics 155, 128-137.Delgado, M. A., and Velasco, C. (2010), "Distribution-Free Test for Time Series Model Specification", Journal of Econometrics, 155, 128-137....
The Time-Frequency Distribution Series (TFDS) mitigates the cross product terms by averaging in only those terms close to the signal. However, designing an efficient implementation of this series is not easy. Some of the details are explained and an example of a SAR application given. 展开 ...
2) time-frequency distribution series 时频分布级数法 1. The time-frequency distribution series(TFDS) has been tested effective in the balance of the cross-term suppression and the time-frequency resolution. 时频分布级数法在保持高时频分辨率的前提下,有效抑制了Wigner分布的交叉项,但运算量问题制约...
Consider a long term study, where a series of dependent and possibly censored failure times is observed. Suppose that the failure times have a common marginal distribution function, but they exhibit a mode of time series structure such as α-mixing. The inference on the marginal distribution func...
SFCC: Data Augmentation with Stratified Fourier Coefficients Combination for Time Series Classification First, we transform data into the frequency domain using the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). To maintain the initial data distribution, we stratify the ... W Yang,J Yuan,X Wang - 《Neural Proc...