1.数据简介 这个比赛是用大约14万5千个维基网页从2015年7月到2017年9月的访问量预测接下来的62天的访问量,其最大特点是用的实时数据,后面62天的结果比赛截止提交的时候谁也不知道,是后面出题方去维基爬的,不存…
描述 数据类型 初始假设 管道流程: 计划 了解项目描述和目标。 形成假设并集思广益。 准备好所有必要的进口项目。 1.取得 从[Kaggle]下载数据集(插入链接)。 将下载内容移至个人设备上的所需文件夹。 定义函数以从本地csv获取气候数据并以pandas DataFrame的形式返回。 通过使用wrangle.py脚本读取笔记本中的csv。点...
timeseries time-series tensorflow kaggle rnn seq2seq cudnn rnn-encoder-decoder kaggle-web-traffic cocob Updated Oct 9, 2022 Jupyter Notebook kairosdb / kairosdb Star 1.7k Code Issues Pull requests Fast scalable time series database java timeseries metrics kairosdb timeseries-database Update...
Nevertheless, time series analysis and forecasting are useful tools in any data scientist’s toolkit. Some recent time series-based competitions have recently appeared on kaggle, such as one hosted by Wikipedia where competitors are asked to forecast web traffic to various pages of the site. As ...
In summary, the ARIMA model provides a structured and configurable approach for modeling time series data for purposes like forecasting. Next we will look at fitting ARIMA models in Python. Python Code Example In this tutorial, we will useNetflix Stock Datafrom Kaggle to forecast the Netflix st...
Time Series Analysis On EEG Data With LSTMIn this study, time series analysis was performed with the EEG data set obtained from Kaggle. In the work, LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) repetitive neural network model was used which is one of the deep learning models due to the large data set....
Winners of Kaggle forecasting competitions have often included moving averages and other rolling statistics in their feature sets. Such features seem to be especially useful when used with GBDT algorithms like XGBoost. Many time series can be closely described by an additive model of just these thre...
今天才发现kaggle的Discussion和Kernel内容区别还挺大的。我原来一直在Kernel中找解决方案。其实很多都在Discussion版块给了自己解决方案描述并附加github。 Web Traffic Time Series Forcasting 该题目中提供了过去一年多时间的一些维基词语每天的访问情况,要求预测未来一年这些维基词语的访问情况。
This Time Series Analysis uses the dataset provied by kaggle about POWER CONSUMPTION IN INDIA (2019 - 2020) which is in long_data_.csv file Acknowledgments pandas: Wes McKinney and contributors (https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/graphs/contributors) prophet: Facebook, Inc. (https://github...