The process of multiplying a constant to the time axis of a signal is known astime scaling of the signal. The time scaling of signal may be time compression or time expansion depending upon the value of the constant or scaling factor. The time scaling operation of signals is very useful wh...
Time-domain algorithms for harmonic bandwidth reduction and time scaling of speech signals Frequency scaling of speech signals by methods based on short-time Fourier analysis (STFA), analytic rooting, and harmonic compression using a bank of filt... D Malah - 《IEEE Transactions on Acoustics Speec...
离散时间信号处理(英文第三版)第二章Discrete-Time-Signal-Processing2-3rd-edition-chapter2-discrete-tim.pdf,2.0 INTRODUCTION The term signal is generally applied to something that conveys information. Signals may, for example. convey information about the s
PlotType—Type of plot "line"(default) |"stairs" AxesScaling—Axes scaling mode "onceatstop"(default) |"auto"|"manual"|"updates" AxesScalingNumUpdates—Number of updates before scaling 100(default) |real positive integer Advanced LayoutDimensions—Display layout grid dimensions ...
noisy speech signalsclosely spaced segmentssegmentation algorithmtime-scaling approachbinary Walsh transformA segmentation algorithm for noisy speech signal is introduced. The combination of the time scaling technique and binary Walsh transform is the fundamental concept of this method. This approach can ...
Signedness— Signedness of fixed-point data Signed (default) | Unsigned Word length— Bit size of the word that holds the quantized integer 16 (default) | integer from 0 to 32 Scaling— Method for scaling fixed-point data Best precision (default) | Binary point | Slope and bias Fraction le...
This model allowed us to partition the underlying source of the tonal responses into the distinct contributions of similarity between stimuli and bias in responses. The calculated similarity matrices were used as input to non-metric 2-D multidimensional scaling (MDS) implemented using smacof (de ...
2 Discrete-Time Signals and Systems 2.0 INTRODUCTION The term signal is generally applied to something that conveys information. Signals may, for example, convey information about the state or behavior of a physical system. As another class of examples, signals are synthesized for the purpose of ...
Time series is traditionally treated with two main approaches, i.e., the time domain approach and the frequency domain approach. These approaches must rely on a sliding window so that time-shift versions of a sequence can be measured to be similar. Coupled with the use of a root point-to...
The spectral analysis of signals is currently either dominated by the speed–accuracy trade-off or ignores a signal’s often non-stationary character. Here we introduce an open-source algorithm to calculate the fast continuous wavelet transform (fCWT). The parallel environment of fCWT separates sc...