More specifically, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) published the ATC procedure and pronunciation in China on the basis of ICAO. Based on related ATC regulations, Chinese characters and English words are usually in one sentence of ATC speech, which generates special problems over ...
the thermal maps resulting from our mapping code have an accuracy higher than 75% on average when compared with the official lava flow maps of each eruption and an offset of only 3% regarding the maximum lava flow extension. Therefore, our easy-to-use codes constitute an additional, novel, ...
In aviation, you always operate in UTC time. Operating in a common time, regardless of location, is critical in a field like aviation. Imagine air traffic control having to deal with every plane reporting estimated landing times according to their place of origin. That kind of situation would...
The Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS) makes available to the aviation community text, digital and graphical forecasts, analyses, and observations of aviation-related weather variables. ADDS is a joint effort of NCAR Research Applications Program (RAP), Global Systems Division (GSD) of NOAA's ...
Singapore | February 08, 2022 —It was possible to communicate with one another through BlackBerry Messenger while maintaining a high level of security not available in today’s messaging services thanks to the use of PIN codes. In 2011, BlackBerry Messenger was shut off. Facebook Messenger and...
A depth-based registration method might overcome these patient-related AR registration problems. However, research on its possible use for widely-applicable clinical navigation system has not been reported. In this paper we introduce a depth-based registration method, the Augmented Reality for Clinical...
Passengers with a time-critical transfer can retrieve a Short Connection Pass via the short connection module of Travor. QR codes are visible at strategic locations in the terminal, which arriving passengers can scan, with the Travor platform providing a personal...
Anticipation is the ability to accurately predict future actions or events ahead of the act itself. When attempting to anticipate, researchers have identified that at least two broad sources of information are used: contextual information relating to the
0.1° × 0.1° 7,8. Driven by the rapid developments in scientific knowledge on the generation process of GHG emissions as well as the accessibility of more recent information, the EDGARv5.0_FT2019 dataset now includes new spatial proxies to allocate the emissions related to population ...
and parameters that relate the individual satellite clock time to the underlying GNSS system time. Details of the data format are given in the sidebar “Tabulating Time-Related Data from Galileo and GPS Navigation Messages.” As explained in the context of Figure 1, the system times are steered...