Configure specific days where no employees can create or request time off. Multi-step approvals Specify who is required to approve an employee's time off before it can be validated. See all features One need, one app. Expand as you grow. Sign Auto request signatures Manufacturing Manage sto...
GET /teams/{teamId}/schedule/timeOffRequests/{timeOffRequestId} 可选的查询参数 此方法不支持 OData 查询参数来自定义响应。 请求标头 名称说明 Authorization持有者 {token}。 必填。 详细了解身份验证和授权。 MS-APP-ACTS-ASGUID) (用户 ID。 仅当授权令牌是应用程序令牌时才需要;否则为可选。
LTAPPS Time Off is a software application that allows employees to create and submit requests for time off from work, and managers to approve or reject them. A leave request app can also track the leave balances, status, and history of each employee, as well as the company holidays and po...
表示一种需要 timeOff 的班次请求类型。方法展开表 方法返回类型说明 Get timeOffRequest 读取timeOffRequest 对象的属性和关系。 List timeOffRequest 集合 获取此计划中的 timeOffRequest 对象列表。 删除 None 删除timeOffRequest 对象。 批准 None 批准休假请求。 下降 None 拒绝休假请求。
Track time-off requests Easily track time-off requests with our built-in calendar that allows employees to book or request time off. Know where your employees are signing in from Let’s face it, remote workers aren’t going anywhere. Now you can monitor your employee’s location by using ...
An application that allows employees to create and submit requests for time off LTAPPS Time Off is a software application that allows employees to create and submit requests for time off from work, and managers to approve or reject them. A leave request app can also track the leave balances,...
If you are on an important call and do not want others to disturb you then you can turn off your visibility. So friends, these were some the amazing features that define this app. We are sure that you must be excited to know how to get this app on your device. ...
Email time off requests directly to your supervisor and CC yourself. Both personal and business accounts support "web approval". (requires push notifications) CALENDAR INVITES: Each approved time off request includes a calendar invite. REPORTS: Export beautiful looking reports that you can email to ...
Email time off requests directly to your supervisor and CC yourself. Both personal and business accounts support "web approval". (requires push notifications) CALENDAR INVITES: Each approved time off request includes a calendar invite. REPORTS: Export beautiful looking reports that you can email to ...
TIMEOFF.GURU helps you save a lot of time and minimise the errors in the process of submitting, approving, tracking and managing every leave, vacation and absence in your team and your company. In TIMEOFF.GURU everything happens with just few clicks - request, approval, report, calendar...