Using Time-of-Flight (ToF) principle, ST has developed and patented its own technology, FlightSense, to propose new generation of high-accuracy proximity sensors.
Time of Flight (ToF) can be used in a variety of applications, from robotics to 3D imaging and gesture recognition. We provide solutions for your ToF project.
根据物体造成的光信号的变化来计算物体的位置和深度等信息,进而复原整个三维空间。 (2)TOF(TimeOfFlight,飞行时间):通过专有传感器,捕捉近红外光从发射到接收的飞行时间,判断物体距离。 (3)双目测距(Stereo System):利用双摄像头拍摄物体,再通过三角形原理计算物体距离。 在这三种技术当中...
A time of flight distance measurement system has alight emitter (8) emitting a pulsed fan beam and a time of flight sensor (6) which may be a CCD with a photosensitive image region, a storage region not responsive to light and a readout section. Circuitry is arranged to control the time...
Marketing manager responsible for defining new Time-of-Flight sensor solutions, Hervé also ensures customer support in ST's Imaging division. Hervé joined ST in 2000. Thomas Viart Marketing engineer in charge of developing and promoting new Time-of-Flight sensor solutions, Thomas joined ST in 20...
但无论是哪种应用,机器人都需要实时感知周边环境的变化,以确保安全,同时提供积极的用户体验。本文以代表服务型机器人的扫地机器人(RVC)为例,介绍TDK的SmartSensor系列传感器和其丰富多彩的传感器技术在服务型机器人领域的应用方案。 早期版本的扫地机器人智能程度不高,存在诸多缺陷,例如无法正确规划清扫路线而导致清扫...
图像传感器(Image sensor):图像传感器得到的图像的每个像素来测量发射光的飞行时间. 驱动电路和一些接口等 下图是TOF的原理,即测量光在空中的飞行时间 TOF原理 根据调试光源的不同,TOF可以分为连续波调试和脉冲调试,常见的Azure Kinect相机就是脉冲调试,而最新的intel realsense l515相机就属于脉冲调试.下图比较了连续波...
TOF是Time of flight的简写,直译为飞行时间的意思。所谓飞行时间法3D成像,是通过给目标连续发送光脉冲,然后用传感器接收从物体返回的光,通过探测光脉冲的飞行(往返)时间来得到目标物距离。这种技术跟3D激光传感器原理基本类似,只不过3D激光传感器是逐点扫描,而TOF相机则是同时得到整幅图像的深度信息。TOF相机与普通机器...
New from Lumentum and Ambarella, Vision-D combines Lumentum’s flood illuminator module for extremely accurate time-of-flight 3D sensing, with Ambarella’s CV22 edge AI system-on-chip
3D time-of-flight sensor theory of operation | Presenter(s) Resources Products Amplifiers Audio Clocks & timing DLP products Data converters Die & wafer services Interface Isolation Logic & voltage translation Microcontrollers (MCUs) & processors ...