If the name rings a bell, there’s a reason. Nexium is a popular treatment for gastroesophageal problems like acid reflux and even some ulcers. Considering how common such problems are thanks to modern-day stress levels and relatively poor diets, it’s not surprising to learn AstraZene...
veryday,millionsofpeoplearetaking medicationsthatwillnothelpthem. Thetoptenhighest-grossingdrugs intheUnitedStateshelpbetween1in25 and1in4ofthepeoplewhotakethem(see ‘Imprecisionmedicine’).Forsomedrugs, suchasstatins—routinelyusedtolower cholesterol—asfewas1in50maybenefit ...
"Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar—Your Brain's Silent Killers," goes further still. Gluten sensitivity, he writes, 'represents one of the greatest and most under-recognized health threats to humanity.'""