Da Hee HanPharmD
If you have hypertension, you need to know the best time to test your blood pressure. The most appropriate time to get your blood pressure checked depends on a few factors. These include your daily routine, schedule, convenience, the time of the day, and whether you're doing the test ...
There's been debate for some time about when patients should take their blood pressure medication. Most patients, driven more by habit and convenience, take their pills in the morning. And yet there is a current of thought pushing for BP meds to be given at night. This idea, termed chrono...
It’s going to be a long day again. Hopefully, I’ll still be standing at the end of it. Today’s YouTube video is shocking in the sense that people wouldn’t have figured this shit out before moving here. This is not to say I didn’t have to learn some things the hard way my...
This quality improvement study describes whether key communication domains were addressed at the bedside on the day of hospital discharge, by whom, and
(You can really go down the rabbit hole if you want to) So, end of day 2, I was feeling ok, but there was a tightening in my left shoulder. As the night progressed it started getting tighter and soon I was feeling something like a spasm coming on in my neck…it became so ...
If cinema is like dreaming with our eyes open, then horror movies could rightly be viewed as waking nightmares: an opportunity to confront our unconscious fears directly — most often as entertainment, but sometimes with the express purpose of terrifying ourselves. On-screen frights take every ...
Take the “L” out of lover and it’s over Hope you didn’t rub him the wrong way Just Mosesing through… Anyway, it was a very full day today and that explains why this post is going up so late. Tomorrow the clock resets and I’ll hopefully be back on schedule once again. Unti...
HAVE NEVER HAD DIFFICULTY WITH MY HEART AND DO NOT HAVE A FAMILY HISTORY OF HEART PROBLEMS. WHY IN HELL WOULD I NEED A DAMNED STRESS TEST??? 7 Kim Finnie ⚠ I had a medically induced stress test on Friday at Cooper hospital with the radioactive meds. I couldn't run due to left ...
Electronic health data (EHD) are appealing sources of training data because they provide access to large amounts of rich individual-level data from present-day patient populations. However, because EHD are derived by extracting information from administrative and clinical databases, some fraction of ...