Beijing Time=UTC+ 8:00 08:53:53 Monday, February 03, 2025
Beijing Time NowBeijing time (UTC/GMT+08:00):18:01:41 Thursday, February 6, 2025Country: China Time zone abbreviation: CST Time zone name: China Standard Time Time offset: UTC/GMT+08:00 Observe DST: NoSee alsoChina time Hong Kong time Time calculators...
Beijing Time Current Time: 5:46:09 AM Current Date: Friday, Jan 31 2025 Time Offset: UTC+8 »Beijing Time to Local Time Conversion. • Convert Beijing Time to specific time: Beijing Time toAmericaTimezones: AKDTAKSTADTASTBRTCDTCSTEDTESTHSTMDTMSTPDTPSTArgentinaBahamasBarbadosBelizeBolivia...
Beijing CST UTC +8 23時55分 Shanghai CST UTC +8 See all Time Zones in China See Holidays in China Create a Calendar for China Time in Dependencies of China DependencyTypeExample CityTime Hong KongSpecial Administrative RegionHong Kong星期二 23時55分 ...
China Asia/Shanghai +08:00 CST 0 Beijing CN CHN AS Christmas Island Indian/Christmas +07:00 CXT 0 Flying Fish Cove CX CXR AS Cocos Islands Indian/Cocos +06:30 CCT 0 West Island CC CCK AS Colombia America/Bogota -05:00 COT 0 Bogotá CO COL SA Comoros Indian/Comoro +03:00 EA...
The meaning of BEIJING TIME is the time of the time zone officially used in mainland China that is eight hours advanced from Greenwich Mean Time —called also China standard time.
Time conversion from CST (China Standard Time) (+8) to Greenwich Mean Time(+0). Beijing, China to GMT time zones converter, calculator, table and map.
Beijing Time is worked out and released from the National Time Service Center, Shaanxi Province, which is geographically almost the center of China. Unlike western countries, China now does not follow the daylight saving time. World Time Difference to ChinaChina is 13 hours ahead of New York, ...
Local Time Now in Dubai The local time in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates is now9:58:54 pm. It isFebruary 16, 2025. Dubai Time Zone The time zone of Dubai and the United Emirates is UAE Standard Time. UAE Standard time is four hours in front of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)....
Beijing Airport:(24 km) Passing clouds. -1 °C Huailai:(93 km) Chilly. (3 hours ago) -3 °C Tianjin:(113 km) Chilly. (3 hours ago) More weather in China Forecast for the next 2 weeks 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日 ...