time management time management是什么意思、time management怎么读 读音:英[taɪm ˈmænɪdʒmənt] 美[taɪm ˈmænɪdʒmənt] time management 基本解释 时间管理 词组短语 1、a story abouttime management关于时间管理的故事...
Performancetimemanagementisaprofessional,beautiful,easyto useprojectmanagementandtaskschedulingsoftware. 效能时间管理是一款专业、美观、易用的日程安排和任务计划管理软件。 www.jisuxz.com 8. HelpJessieinthistastytimemanagementadventure asshebuilds herbusinessandgrowshersmallcafintoadeliciousempire. ...
sowing time management 播种期管理 execution time storage management 【计】 执行时间存储管理 real time management information system 即时管理情报系统 by time 余暇 with time 随着时间的推移,渐渐 no time to 没时间 the time 当代 相似单词 management n. 1.[U](企业等的)管理,经营 2.[C](...
In the end, time management is not a constraint, it's a liberation. As long as through scientific and reasonable time management, we can better control our own life and work rhythm, so that life is more rich, orderly, and efficient.说到底,时间管理不是一种约束,而是一种解放。只要通过科学...
文章来源:《经济学人》Mar 27th 2023 期 Business 栏目Time management The words “flexible schedule” have an attractive ring to them. They conjure up a post-pandemic workplace full of motivated workers, organising their time in the most productive and family-friendly way, and of enlightened bosses...
time management是时间管理。时空管理(Time Management)是指通过事先规划和运用一定的技巧、方法与工具实现对时间的灵活以及有效运用,从而实现个人或组织的既定目标的过程。EMBA、MBA等主流商业管理教育均将时间管理能力作为一项对企业管理者的基本要求涵括在内。TM”经常作为“Time Management”的缩写来使用,...
Time management is a skill where an individual or a team manages the available time efficiently so as to complete all the expected or required tasks as per a plan or a schedule. It also signifies how well a person or a team can divide and optimize the allocated time to complete a process...
1. There should be seamless connection between time management and the organizational structure of an enterprise. 时间管理和企业的组织架构应实现无缝对接。 【提示】time management 时间管理 seamless connection 无缝对接 2. Time management combined with self-management can greatly enhance staff performance. ...
The pressure in the workplace often comes from heavy work tasks and a tense work rhythm. If we cannot manage time effectively, we will feel great pressure and even affect physical and mental health. Efficient time management can allow us to reasonably arrange work and life, avoid overwork, an...
良好的时间管理让人事半功倍,帮人舒缓压力,走上职业成功之路。 面对堆成山的reading、接踵而至的工作,通宵“赶due”的学生和白领比以往任何时候都需要时间管理。 1、制定计划——Make a plan Sometimes it is difficult not to feel overwhelmed. The best way to achieve success and preserve your sanity is to...