time limitation 英[taim ˌlimiˈteiʃən] 美[taɪm ˌlɪmɪˈteʃən] 释义 时限 实用场景例句 全部 What is thetime limitationof acupuncture, give an example. 什么是针灸的时限性?试举例说明. 互联网 Notice concerningtime limitationof providing foreign exchange settlement document...
必应词典为您提供time-limitation的释义,un. 时限; 网络释义: 时间限制;时限条件;
limitation n. 1.[U]限制,控制 2.[C]起限制作用的规则(或事实,条件) 3.[C]局限,限度 time n. 1.时间;(Time)时间老人 2.(一段)时间 3.时刻;时令 4.规定时间;合适时候 5.时机;机会 6.(times)历史时期;时代 7.(times)时期;时势 8.( time, 时间 PERT/TIME PERT/TIME程序使用程序评价和审定...
limitation- (law) a time period after which suits cannot be brought; "statute of limitations" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: ...
lifetimen.[U] 一生,终生 a. 一生的,终生的 limitationn. 1.[U]限制,控制 2.[C]起限制作用的规则(或事实,条件) 3.[C]局限,限度 once in a lifetime千载难逢(的好机会) 最新单词 arrha poenalis的中文解释【法】 罚扣定金 arresting officer是什么意思及反义词【法】 负责逮捕的警官, 有逮捕权的官...
For more than 80 years, ecologists have debated whether reproduction by female insect herbivores and parasitoids is constrained by the time needed to find hosts (time limitation) or by the finite supply of mature eggs (egg limitation). Here we present the first direct measures of permanent time...
Although malariological research was discouraged during the period of time limitation, it was embraced as the conceptual basis for the open-ended period of intervention that followed. This effort saved many lives but expended our ability to intervene against future epidemics and reduced human herd ...
limitation of time 英 [ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃn ɒv taɪm] 美 [ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃn əv taɪm]时效
relaxing the import time limitation on parallel-import computer software. legco.gov.hk 我們同時 認為, 為維持公 平原則和公平競爭起 見,政府 亦應同 時 考慮 放寬 電腦軟 件“水貨”入口的 時 限。 legco.gov.hk There is also no limitation to the number of amendments, and amendments can be ...
criminal law: Statutes of limitation General statutes of limitations uniformly include provisions allowing persons who are legally disabled by infancy or mental incapacity at the time a cause of action arises to initiate the action within some fixed period after the disability has been removed. In ...