还没人写过短评呢 << 首页 < 前页 后页> > 70s Music Explosion Volume 1: Sunshine (Time-Life Music 2 CD Set) 介质: Audio CD 唱片数: 2 唱片名: 70s Music Explosion Volume 1: Sunshine (Time-Life Music 2 CD Set) 条型码: 0610583165029 出版者: Time Life Music©...
又名:Time-Life Music - AM Gold '60s 表演者:VA 流派:流行 专辑类型:选集 介质:CD 发行时间:1991 出版者:Time-Life Music 唱片数:17 豆瓣评分 暂无评分 想听在听听过 评价: 写短评 写乐评 加入豆列 分享到 推荐 曲目· ··· 1962 - 01 - Neil Sedaka - Breaking Up Is Hard To Do 1962 ...
Discusses Time Life Music's purchase of 50% of the nonretail music label Heartland Music. Plans for the merger; Background on Heartland's business; Combined revenues of the two companies; Comments from Time Life President Steven Janas; Details on management personnel for Heartland.Jeffrey...
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Don Gibson wrote two songs one hot afternoon in Knoxville, Tenn. –“Oh Lonesome Me” and “I Can’t Stop Loving You.” Four years later, Charles only needed to hear the first two lines of the latter before deciding to record it for his albumModern Sounds in Country and Western Music....
Kids have been having fun with I Spy books for more than 30 years. The books feature stunning images. I Spy Love is the newest in the series. The photographs were made by Walter Wick. Wick started as a still-life… Audio Technology ...
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Life & Fire Life & Fire 2023年 Gnome Poems - EP Gnome Poems - EP 2021年 Rollin' Until Late - EP Rollin' Until Late - EP 2022年 House of Arches House of Arches 2022年 Four Green Yellows - Single (feat. Nitai Hershkovits, Rejoicer, Amir Bresler & Yonatan Albalak) - Single ...