Kousei Arima has been a piano prodigy since childhood, but his life comes crashing down when his mother passes away, resulting in a mental breakdown that renders him unable to hear the sound of his own music. Kousei resigns himself to living a life devoid of his passion for music and the...
Somehow, surrounded by olive groves in the morning, Renaissance masterpieces in the afternoon and all the pasta and gelato I could muster each night, I couldn't shake a sense of mourning. A mourning for a parallel version of my life that looked and felt and smelled and tasted like mine, ...
Every year, TIME magazine publishes a list of the year’s best inventions. Some of these address global problems. Others make life more fun. TIME for Kids has chosen nine of them here. Which one is your favorite? Eco-Friendly Camping Outdoor… ...
Experience LIFE's visual record of the 20th century by exploring the most iconic photographs from one of the most famous private photo collections in the world.
TIME magazine has been around, well, a long time. Its first issue was published 100 years ago, on March 3, 1923. Life was different back then. The Ford Model T was the most popular car in America. Meanwhile, kids were… Audio
Showtime Spy Thriller ‘The Agency’ Adds Five to Cast (Exclusive) Alex Reznik, Andrew Brooke, Harriet Sansom Harris, India Fowler and Saura Lightfoot-Leon have joined the drama. TV News Aug 22, 2024 10:33 am By Rick Porter
Object lifetime is determined by the path of strong references that point from a root reference to an object. Figure 1** Strong References to Objects on the Heap ** In some cases, such as when building a fast cache or a hash into an object graph, it might be interesting to have ...
Today’s post-digital citizens deftly filter and apply information to move smartly through life. Socializing and transacting online is ordinary and commonplace. Today’s cadre of decision makers, too, use mobile and social filters to navigate decisions and find relevance in the bit-torrent of ...
In life and in death, everything he touched turned cool. To the point that Dean, playing Jim Stark, immortalized the 1949 Mercury Coupe in the halls of cool, despite the fact it was considered a middle-class family sedan prior to filming. Bullitt 'Bullitt' was billed with its chase ...