time is a great healer [or time heals all wounds] przysł. czas leczy rany time hangs heavy czas się wlecze there's a time and a place [for everything] przysł. na wszystko przyjdzie czas there's no time like the present przysł. najlepiej żyć tu i teraz II ....
It is recorded in the timetable as route no. 782. en.wikipedia.org The new tender involved a recast clockface timetable, with boats running every half hour. en.wikipedia.org The trains could be optimized for freight timetables, giving additional cost savings. ...
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Overtime is required to qualify for retroactive overtime. en.wikipedia.org The 60 minutes of regulation and 20 minutes of overtime ended scoreless 0-0 which forced the shootout. en.wikipedia.org The series set a record for most consecutive overtimes in a series with 4. ...