According to Einstein, earlier spacetime theories introduced spacetime as the unobservable cause of observable relative motions and, in particular, as the cause of inertial effects of 'absolute' motion. I use a comparative analysis of Einstein and Newton to show that spacetime is not introduced as ...
what clocks measure (attr. to physicists Albert Einstein, Donald Ivey, and others) what prevents everything from happening at once (physicist John Wheeler and others) a linear continuum of instants (philosopher Adolf Grünbaum) a certain period during which something is done (Medical Dictionary) a...
Bose-Einstein condensateIn this paper, Bose–Einstein soliton solutions of the nonlinear Schrdinger equation with time-dependent linear potential are considered. Based on the F-expansion method, we present a number of Jacobian elliptic function solutions. Particular cases of these solutions, where the...
Early Christian leaders rigorously disputed the traditional cyclical view of time. Prominent among them was St. Augustine. He laid great emphasis on the idea that the crucifixion of Christ must be regarded as a unique event, not subject to repetition, implying that time is linear rather than cyc...
“the objective time” means time is a kind of existences, such as we can not see the Earth’s magnetic field which it can be measured by instruments; time, also, we can capture by the chronometers, i.e. time is not conceptive or imaginary “thing.” The objective time includes ...
"... time is not a linear flow, as we think it is, into past, present, and future. Time is an indivisible whole, a great pool in which all events are eternally embodied and still have their meaningful flash of supernormal or extra-sensory perception, and glimpse of something that happe...
Chapter 1 Introduction Newton said: time is a basic structure of the universe, which is a one-way dimension. Einstein: The faster the speed, the slower the time; the greater the gravity, the slower …
In principle, it should be possible to determine the curvature constant k by direct measurement of the deviation from Hubble's simple linear relationship between velocity and distance. Unfortunately, substantial deviation is not expected, until sources at distances of the order of 1/H are studied,...
is the strongest and most important causality condition in general relativity. Cauchy surfaces represent the natural sets to pose initial conditions for the Einstein equations (for a self-contained exposition see [58]). Moreover, global hyperbolicity and its different characterizations play a crucial ...
We show that the number of symmetry operators of order not higher that q of the nonstationary n-dimensional (n=1,2,3,4) Schroedinger equation (SE) with nonvanishing potentials is finite and does not exceed that of SE with zero potentials for arbitrary q=0,1,2,... . This result is ...