Omitted variable biasPanel dataRandom effectsIdentification of a coefficient associated with a time-invariant regressor (TIR) often relies on the assumption that the TIR is uncorrelated with the unobserved heterogeneity across panel units. We derive an estimator which avoids the random-effects assumption...
This measure of the terms of trade is based on the time-invariant structure (weights) of the world price of up to 45 primary commodities over a longer period. In this frame, our measure of the terms of trade does not reflect any correlation with GDP. Given the sensitivity of fiscal ...
Previous studies have not been able to accurately estimate the impact of homework because of important omitted variables and measurement error, which strongly bias the estimated impact of homework time. This paper, however, uses an instrumental variable estimate with student fixed effects to account ...
the modelingofmanagementisproblematicbecauseitisunobservableandforthisreasonithasbeen omittedfrommanyproductionmodels.Thismaybeasourceofimportantproblemsbecausethe omissionofrelevantvariablescanleadtobiasedestimatesoftheremainingparametersofthe productionfunction(Griliches,1957).Economistshavecoinedtheterm‘managementbias’to...
The Aubin-Talenti bubbles achieve the constant[Math Processing Error]. Thus, the energy[Math Processing Error]is invariant with respect to[Math Processing Error]. When[Math Processing Error]the Aubin-Talenti bubble becomes singular. This is the reason for the loss of compactness in the Sobolev em...
random variables, belonging to a specified non-Gaussian family, for example Lawrance and Lewis (1980). Another involves a nonlinear filter of, possibly Gaussian, i.i.d. random variables, for exampleHannan (1970, pp. 82-88), Hannan and Boston (1972), Robinson (1977), Granger and Andersen ...
5.1 Introduction In the previous chapter we have seen how the classical Hermite-Biehler Theorem can be generalized and used to solve the problem of finding the set of all the stabilizing PID controllers for a linear time-invariant system described by a rational transfer function. However, when ...
fd (time-invariant instrument issue) >> >> I am trying to instrument for a competition measure, private market share >> (psvw) with the number of private schools in 1982 (20 years ago) >> (nvw1982) in a regression of mathematics score (mat) on control and >> explanatory variables....
Thus, when estimating the effect of competition on school resources or on student achievement, one should consider carefully whether there are sorting or endogeneity issues or omitted variables in the estimation that could bias the measured effect of competition. A common method used to address this...
Foremost is the filter, or linear time invariant operation or system. In the case of discrete equispaced time this may be represented as Y(t)=∑ua(u)X(t−u) t, u=0,±1,… An example is the running mean used to smooth a series. The functions X(.), Y(.) may be vector-...