South Korea Time Now South Korea time (UTC/GMT+09:00): 10:42:00 Thursday, February 27, 2025 Country:South Korea Time zone abbreviation:KST Time zone name:Korea Standard Time Time offset:UTC/GMT+09:00 Observe DST:No See also Seoul time ...
Current Weather Conditions In Seoul Passing clouds. Chilly. 34°F / 1°C click for forecast and moreTime Here, Time There (Time Zone Converter) Want to see the time in South Korea compared with your home? Choose a date and time then click "Submit" and we'll help you convert it ...
Long Name:Republic of Korea Abbreviations:KR, KOR Capital:Seoul Time Zones:1 Dial Code:+82 Time Zone Currently Being Used in South Korea OffsetTime Zone Abbreviation & NameExample CityCurrent Time UTC +9KSTKorea Standard TimeSeoul星期五,10時19分22秒 ...
Current local time in South Korea – Seoul. Get Seoul's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Seoul's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
What Time Is It In Seoul, South Korea? 18:28:46 2025年2月18日 Korea Standard Time (KST) +0900 UTC UTC/GMT is 09:28 on 2025年2月18日 Difference from your location: 1houraheadofUnknown, China DST Time Zone Map Daylight Saving Time ...
South Korea local time. Current time in Seoul, South Korea. South Korea time zones: Korea Standard Time(KST). Time in South Korea top cities Seoul, Busan, Incheon, Daegu, Daejeon.
Current local time in Jinjeop, South Korea. Time zones KST, Korean Standard Time, Asia/Seoul. Jinjeop UTC/GMT offset, daylight saving, facts and alternative names
Current local time in Seoul, Korea, South Korea - Seoul Korea, South Korea time zones - what time is it in Seoul, Korea, South Korea - world time zone information for Seoul Korea, South Korea
1.机票&酒店原本打算只去济州岛的,往返一共4-5天,最后因为机票的时间价格类,我们选择了先去一趟首尔,呆2天再去济州岛,回程转机在釜山待了一天,最终下来飞4程,人均在2900RMB+ 4.29 南方航空CZ315 北京➡️首尔18:10-21:10 5.1 德威航空TW733 首尔➡️济州岛 18:25-19:35 5.5 大韩航空KE1002/KE829...
Current local time in Jinju, Korea, South Korea - Jinju Korea, South Korea time zones - what time is it in Jinju, Korea, South Korea - world time zone information for Jinju Korea, South Korea